Here is uTorrent Web: Download Torrent directly from your Browser

uTorrent Web is a web client that allows you to download Torrent using the browser without using external applications

Here is uTorrent Web: Download Torrent directly from the Browser

uTorrent finally available in web version with a plugin that allows you to directly download Torrent using a common browser without using external programs.

uTorrent Web is not a web service, but an application to be installed on your PC and that will integrate with your browser in order to start downloading torrent files without opening particular apps but everything will take place directly from the browser.

The application, less than 20MB, integrates everything necessary to download Torrent directly from the browser with a silent installation of the uTorrent Web application which therefore does not compete with the uTorrent client available as a classic app for different devices including Windows and Android.

Once the application is installed on your Windows computer you will be ready to download Torrent from your browser. Once you find the torrent file from the internet, simply click on it or on the magnet link to start downloading the Torrent file as a simple file download.

uTorrent Web is only available for Windows, so not Android, iOS or MAC OS but we hope it will be in the future. Here’s where to download uTorrent Web.

Download uTorrent Web

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