How to perform best in GTA Online Heists

The heists in GTA Online work in a similar way to the campaign mode: gather your team, make preparations and execute the plan. But, there are some details and requirements that differ from offline mode. Find out what they are and how to make the scams in GTA Online more fun and profitable even while playing in connected mode.

What are heists?

Heists are large virtual assaults organized and executed by players in the GTA V universe. In single player mode, they are made at certain times in history by the main characters (Trevor, Michael and Franklin).

In GTA Online, the player himself, together with friends or other real players, can work together to apply a series of heists available in mission format, which yield experience points and virtual money in Grand Theft Auto Online.

How to perform heists in GTA Online?

Most moves have a similar structure, with a series of preparatory missions such as training a specific skill, obtaining an important item for the plan or eliminating a specific target.

Depending on the preparatory mission, it can be performed individually or in a group, either on the “open” server, that is, where other players are or in a closed session, with only the participants of the assault. Heists occur only in private sessions.

They cannot be run alone. To make a move in GTA Online, you need to have a team of two to four players. The amount varies according to the assault.

To be the leader of a heist, you must have a character of at least level 12 and a high standard apartment. When starting the mission, the leader must make an advance payment and does not receive the values obtained during the preparation missions, but can decide what share of the final profit is allocated to each participant of the coup.

How many heists do you have in GTA Online?

There are nine blows in total.

Each has a theme (bank robbery, prison break, etc.) and a proper name, with animations similar to the story mode, including appearances of characters from the offline mode. The first, called The Service of Fleeca, works as a tutorial and has no costs for the player.

From there, the blows are released in sequence, as the player completes the previous round. Each round can last up to 3 hours, depending on the skill of the players. The more complex, the greater the potential profit from completing it.

If you don’t want to be the leader of the heist, you can accept the invitation of other players to join the group. However, as heists require coordination and teamwork, it can be more interesting (and fun) to play with friends, with voice communication, for example.

The assault leader can also set the difficulty level – the harder it is, the greater the bonus (in game money) for completing the move. There are also bonuses for completing the heists in certain ways, such as finishing for the first time, in the correct order, on maximum difficulty, etc.

Heists in GTA OnlineNo. of playersInitial costEarnings (easy)Earnings (average)Earnings (Hard)
Fleeca’s Service2$ 11,500$ 57,500$ 115,000$ 143,750
Prison Escape4$ 40,000$ 200,000$ 400,000$ 500,000
Invasion to the Humane Laboratory4$ 54,000$ 270,000$ 540,000$ 675,000
A Series Financing4$ 40,400$ 202,000$ 404,000$ 505,000
The Pacific Standard Service4$ 100,000$ 500.00$ 1,000,000$ 1,250,000
The Data Leak2-4$ 65,000Not available$ 650,000$ 812,500
Bogdan’s Problem2-4$ 95,000Not available$ 950,000$ 1,187,500
The Doomsday Coup2-4$ 120,000Not available$ 1,200,000$ 1,500.00
The Diamond Casino Scam2-4$ 11,000 to $ 25,000Not availableVariable (up to $ 2,585.00)Variable (up to $ 2,585.00)

The latest free GTA Online DLC added the Diamond Casino Heist, which involves a major assault on the game’s new establishment. It also brought a novelty: there are 3 ways to execute the coup, each with specific requirements and equipment. In addition to the apartment, you must have an Arcade store to be the leader of the heist.

The heists also serve to free the purchase of special vehicles used in the plans, such as flying cars and motorcycles, war helicopters, among others.

Tips for completing GTA Online heists

Teamwork is essential for executing the strokes, especially in the final stroke. Everyone will be in some important activity at the same time (flying an airplane, driving a truck, opening fire on enemies). Therefore, the more coordinated the team, the better. So it can be less stressful to play with friends than with random people online, but it also depends on your skill in the game.

Team up

Before leaving for the assault, don’t forget your equipment. Reload ammo, equip all vests and choose your best weapons. It is also important to take some items to recover your energy during combat.

Have a good time

It is not easy to complete a stroke on the first attempt. Test other strategies as there are checkpoints in some places if a team member dies. However, it is worth remembering that everyone must complete the mission to receive the reward; if someone fails or leaves the lobby, the heist will be cancelled and all progress will be restarted.

If things are not going well, stay calm and focus on having fun. Few online games provide such cool satisfaction in completing a well-executed heists as GTA Online

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