How to solve File not found or corrupt with SFC

One of the most common Windows errors is one that warns us of file problems. Generally missing or corrupt files. The fault can be attributed to many factors: viruses, accidental deletion or deletion of files related to the one that gives the problem, corruption of the operating system following updates and many other scenarios.

The solution is located within Windows, but a system installation disk is required to use it. The advice, before performing this operation, is to attempt a system restore to a previous condition.

Recover file not found or corrupt with SFC

To access this tool (System File Checker-SFC) you need to start the command prompt in administrator mode. To do this, in the Windows search bar, type cmd and then right click on “Run as administrator“. The operation of the tool is to scan the internal Windows files and compare them with the original ones of the system, replacing them in case of differences between the two.

For this reason, a copy of Windows is required to perform the function. And, as the Service Packs update some files, in order for the command to work properly on updated systems, the disk must also be updated.

After starting the command prompt as an administrator, insert the Windows disk into the drive and type the command:

sfc /scannow

then hit enter. The correction of the file not found or corrupt will be done automatically and at the end you will have restored all the files with problems.

What if SFC doesn’t work?

If the SFC command does not work, it may be necessary to correct the scan utility with another command: DISM.

Once again open the CMD with administrator privileges and enter the command:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

Now, after restarting the computer, retry the SFC command which should now work.

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