Speed ​​Up Loading web Pages in Google Chrome with this trick

Today, in particular, I want to tell you an interesting trick that will allow you to speed up the loading of internet pages with Chrome. Just one click to make Chrome faster in loading web pages and then surfing the internet.

You’ll notice the differences and improvements especially in the pages that are full of images, audio files or video, but I am sure that overall you will be able to browse faster using Google Chrome.

But enough with the chatter, let’s see what this trick is to speed up Chrome. 

Speed up Chrome by activating Lazy Loading, but what is it?

The trick we will use to speed up Chrome is to activate the Lazy Loading function from the settings of the internet browser.

But what exactly is it? What does this function consist of?

Without going into too much detail, you just need to know that it is a device used by programmers to postpone the loading of some elements of a web page.

Concretely therefore, if there are many elements on a page such as videos, photos or more, activating this feature Google Chrome will progressively load the content and only when you approach these scrolling down the page.

In this way Chrome will only load the necessary contents, leaving behind all those that are not needed. You can consume less internet traffic, but above all you can load internet pages faster. 

This is not a radical change, of course, but you will notice an improvement in all the pages, especially in the heavier ones and with more multimedia elements.

Try it yourself!

But how do you activate the Lazy Loading on Chrome? I’ll explain it to you right away! 

Enable Lazy Loading on Chrome

Enabling Lazy Loading on Chrome is really easy. Here’s what you need to do:

  • open Chrome
  • In search bar open chrome://flags/ 
  • type the word lazy in the search bar
  • search for “Lazy frame loading”
  • change the status of this item from default to enabled
  • restart Chrome

The guide works on Chrome for Windows, Linux, MacOS, ChromeOS and Android.


For this guide we have concluded.

If you have any doubts or questions, leave a comment at the end of the article and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have you tried this feature to speed up the loading of Chrome pages? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments!

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