Find out and block users from using your Wi-Fi in Android

Owning a Wi-Fi network at home is essential to have Internet on any device with convenience. The big problem with this is controlling your access, since if you have shared your password or someone else has discovered it, you might have some intruder on the network.

If you are suspicious that someone is logged into your Wi-Fi, be aware that by Android it is possible to detect and block possible intruders so that they will be without internet. Here’s how to detect and ban people from your Wi-Fi network using Android:

Finding the intruders

First, it is necessary to find out who is connected to the network before making the expulsion. For this, a small application is used that will bring the IPs, MAC addresses and the brand name of each device of the network. Look:

  1. Go to Google Play and download the Wi-Fi Thief Detector;
  2. When you open the application, grant the requested permission and wait for the scan to be performed;
  3. On the results screen, click the “back” arrow. In the list, look for some device that you do not know and click on the device that you consider intrusive. Note by the icons that we are about to block an Apple portable device;
  4. Write down the number of your MAC address or copy it to the Android clipboard.

Blocking Intruders 

Now that you know who is using your Wi-Fi connection improperly, you need to have the IP of the router to block that person. So, follow the steps to identify the IP of the router and make the block:

  1. Go to Google Play and download IP Tools: WiFi Analyzer;
  2. Open the application, slide your screen down and note the IP address that is in “Gateway” or “Server Address”;
  3. Open the browser of your choice and access the IP of the router as if it were a site and log in. Usually the word “admin” is login and password;
  4. In the left menu, touch “Wireless” and enter “Wireless MAC Filtering”;
  5. On the page you clicked, click “Enable” and leave the “Filtering Rules” selection as “Deny”;
  6. Click “Add New …”, paste or enter the MAC address to be blocked and click “Save”.

After performing this process, the blocked person attempting to connect to the network will receive an error message during authentication. In some cases, the person can even connect to Wi-Fi, but you’ll get errors while trying to access websites or using any other network-related function.

The above steps were performed on a TP-Link router, but the process is similar for other devices of the same type. The main change will be in the names of some functions or the layout of the menus.

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