Blurry Texts and Characters on macOS Mojave? Here is the solution

After updating to MacOS Mojave many people complain that they see fuzzy characters. The problem is Anti-Aliasing on non-Retina displays but there is a solution

Blurry Texts and Characters on macOS Mojave? Here is the solution

macOS Mojave is the latest update of Apple’s operating system that has landed on all compatible devices for a few days. Even I have a MacBook Air I noticed that some characters, especially those of the macOS settings and in the writings of Word, was blurred and before the update were not so.

Looking online I found that many people complain but luckily the solution is there and it is also quick and painless.

Blurred characters macOS Mojave: Why?

The problem would be present only on devices with the non-retina display where the default disabling of the anti-aliased subpixel is creating problems of characters not displayed correctly and very blurred on all the devices of the apple that do not have the retina display.

The anti-aliasing allows to reduce the scaling effect, just aliasing, but on devices with a low-resolution display this is detrimental for the display of the characters, which are therefore blurred.

Blurred characters macOS Mojave: The solution

So the solution is very simple and in practice you have to enable anti-aliasing. To do this you must follow the following steps:

  • Open the folder Utility
  • Launch the Terminal app
  • Type the command (without quotes) “defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO
  • Press Enter and automatically the boolean variable Font Smoothing will be set to False, thus enabling anti-aliasing.

As if by magic, reboot for security, the text will be readable again without being blurred.

If you have any doubts or questions, please write a comment to the following article for assistance.

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