Create fake WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram chat for android and iPhone

Many conversations you find around on social networks are fake and are created with fake chatting apps. If you also want to make fun with your friends or your partners you can have fun with creating fake conversations Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and more. There are apps to create fake chat really credible and studied in detail: if we have intrigued at least a little ‘below you will find a list of the best apps for Android and iPhone.

Often these applications are also used to manipulate people, especially the less experienced, so be careful! If you receive chat screenshots, notice the details and ask for more information to really make sure it is a real conversation and not one created with these applications.

Fake Chat Conversations (Android)

Fake Chat Conversations is today the best app to create fake WhatsApp chats, not because it is the most customizable, but it is certainly the most credible. In fact, the style of the chats perfectly matches that of WhatsApp in the smallest detail. Thanks to this app it is even possible to send fake voice messages and personalize some details of the chat, such as the status or time of sending the message.

Fake Chat Conversations is available for free on the Play Store, but with little advertising, which can however be removed by paying only $0.99.

Fake Chat Simulator (Android)

Another very convincing app for Android is Fake Chat Simulator. This app is more customizable than the one mentioned in the previous paragraph, as it allows you to change many more parameters. But it is less credible because the interface of WhatsApp is not replicated to perfection, but interfaces belonging to the old versions of the messaging service can also be used.

One flaw to note is that after 20 messages Fake Chat Simulator becomes paid, but it is still a good alternative to many other apps made much worse.

WhatsFake (Android and iPhone)

The WhatsFake app is available for iPhone and Android. The goals of WhatsFake are similar to those of other applications, ie create fake chat with Whatsapp in the most credible way possible. Its only flaw is that to remove the watermark you have to pay $3.29, but you can safely enjoy the same.

Other famous apps to download

In addition to the apps just mentioned, there are other applications to download to create fake chats. Below we list all of them:

  • Yazzy (Android) also allows you to create fake posts and Instagram chats
  • WhatsFake Zap Zap  (iPhone) creates fake WhatsApp chats
  • InstaFake ( Android – iPhone ) creates fake chat for WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype and SMS

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