10 Cyber Security Threats You Must Watch Out for in 2019

The year 2019 promises to be quite challenging in the field of cybersecurity. After all, more and more cybercriminals have become professionalized and sought new ways to attract their victims, whether via WhatsApp, text messages, email or downloading malicious files. Therefore, all caution is just before clicking on links over the next year or passing on messages with miracle offers.

To help you be more cautious, the Teknologya has gathered some potential threats for the coming year, as well as tips for you to avoid problems. Check below what should move what should be trend in cybersecurity in 2019.

1 – Phishing Attacks and Data Leaks

It’s no secret: the personal and financial data of Internet users is the most interesting commodity of cybercriminals online. So be very careful before typing your name, address, credit card and other information on websites and applications. Check in advance if the page has a secure connection, if the domain is registered by a company or trustworthy person with CNPJ or CPF, as well as if the information that led you to the address is actually true.

In addition to user-focused attacks, corporate databases should also be a major target in 2019 in search of sensitive information. So while providing and saving your data on sites you really need to be cautious. If possible, give preference to manually enter all the information on the page with each purchase and use a virtual credit card to protect the numbers on your actual card.

2 – Sophisticated hits with personal data

As a result of the growing number of data leaks, it is possible that 2019 will bring more phishing attacks to the user. According to Kaspersky Lab expert Fábio Assolini, this type of attack tends to arrive already customized for its target, bringing his personal information like name, address and even the CPF. Thus, it tends to become even more difficult for the individual to differentiate a true message from a false one.

Of course, the recommendation is the same as in the previous case: always be suspicious. If the message goes through a financial institution or business, contact the other service channels to confirm the content of the message. Also, note the structure of the links, page construction and if there are words misspelt on those sites, as this tends to be an important reporting factor.

3 – False news and misleading offers via WhatsApp, email and social networks

In 2018, fake News calls dominated the race. This year, the trend is for the scenario to repeat itself with other important calendar issues. Therefore, when receiving a message with a supposedly bombastic news, try to check the veracity of the information in checking agencies or in famous news portals before clicking on your links.

Likewise, bogus offers should also dominate social apps like WhatsApp taking advantage of important calendar dates next year. Be wary of any message offering, for example, travel package for the carnival, ticket for the parades, tickets for the Copa America 2019, promotions of Black Friday or Valentine’s Day, makeup kits, electronics and so on. Always contact the store or look for your records before making any decisions.

4 – Financial Attacks

According to the researchers at Kaspersky Lab, the number of attacks on financial institutions should also grow in the coming days. Criminal groups such as Lazarus should also intensify their efforts in the region in search of money thefts and bank customer data. Therefore, for the end user, it is worth staying in any communication received via email, SMS or WhatsApp.

Still on this topic, it is important that the reader never connect to public Wi-Fi to do important actions like banking transactions. This is because a criminal in your network may be directing your traffic to pages of attacks as well as intercepting your communication with financial institution to steal data.

5 – Distribution of malware

Older Internet users, viruses and malicious apps should continue to haunt cell phones and computers throughout 2019. Therefore, avoid installing applications from unknown sources as well as promising to deliver paid games and programs for free. Another important recommendation is to have an antivirus program installed on your device, as well as use native solutions like Windows Defender and Google Play Security.

6 – Ramsonware and Cryptomaned Mining Still Scare

After terrorizing companies and governments around the world, ramsonware attacks are expected to perform more discreetly in 2019. However, this does not mean that this type of scam is outdated: cybercriminals are likely to focus even more on specific targets. Therefore, it is worth reviewing the entire structure of your company and the preventive culture of your employees.

Likewise, the fall in the value of crypto-coins in 2018 should remove the attractiveness of mining attacks over 2019. However, this does not mean that the user should not be aware of this threat. Always check your computer’s resource consumption and use anti-virus software to clean the machine, as well as browsers that have tools to block such threats on sites.

7 – International espionage

The world is experiencing the imminence of a trade war between the two major world powers, which can spread to other regions. In this scenario, it is possible that cases of industrial espionage by public officials become even more common. Therefore, it is worth reviewing the structure of your company and your database to avoid possible leaks or theft of strategic information.

8 – Attacks on IoT equipment

The launch of the first 5G networks around the world should give breath to the Internet-of-the-things (IoT) equipment. These are small computers that will be used to create connected factories, smart cities, autonomous cars, among many other possibilities. In 2019, it is possible that we see the first cases of attacks directed to this type of apparatus with the beginning of the operation of the 5G.

9 – Cloning of chips

One of the scams that drew attention in 2018 was the cloning of carrier chips and therefore WhatsApp accounts. So be very attentive to the behavior of your telephone line: if the device is suddenly out of order, contact your service provider or go to a store to check if something has happened. In addition, reinforce the security of your messaging services by enabling two-step authentication via the application, avoiding the receipt of SMS codes.

10 – Attacks on profiles with weak passwords and no two-step authentication

Every year it’s the same thing: Net users continue to use weak passwords to connect to social networks and online services. This tends to pose a huge risk to your online privacy, especially if you repeat the same password across multiple services. To get around these threats in 2019, start using a free or paid password manager such as LastPass and 1Password.

Another quite important step, previously touched upon, was the activation of two-step authentication. This tends to require an additional layer of security before logging in to online services, protecting their profiles when the thief already has their password. Apps such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Instagram, Twitter, iCloud and others are now supported for free. So there is no excuse not to use.

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