Fortnite Season 8: Everything you need to know about

Fortnite Season 8: earthquake and volcanic eruption are on the way. That’s when it starts, the exact date and everything you need to know about the upcoming Epic Games adventure.
Fortnite Season 8: when it starts, date and anticipations

Those who play Fortnite know it well: season 8 is coming and it is about to drop the curtain on the current wave of frost that has changed the dynamics of the game Epic Games, introducing new content and challenges for users. Someone talks about an earthquake, or even a volcanic eruption, but when will the eighth season of the famous Battle Royale arrive?

The arrival of the season 8 of Fortnite, according to the calculations that have always distinguished a series and the other of the popular multiplatform title, should be expected later this month: the ice and snow protagonists of this seventh season have begun to melt, thus marking the beginning of a new cycle of adventures within the game. Here’s everything you need to know to get prepared for the next challenges.

Fortnite Season 8: when it starts

Fortnite Season 8, after several speculations, has an official start date: the eighth season of fights and online adventures is scheduled for February 26th with the arrival of the new 8.0.0 update, which officially oversees the number 7 and opens to new incredible scenarios.

Before the final transition to season 8, Fortnite will update again, with the 7.40 update scheduled for February 12th. Meanwhile, the earthquake hypothesis is getting closer, thanks to the first shocks warned recently by the players of battle royale Epic Games.

Fortnite Season 8: earthquake or volcanic eruption?

The 8th season of Fortnite could be characterized, after the frost, by another catastrophic event: this time the main theme could be a geological cataclysm, with a terrible earthquake or a giant volcanic eruption as a background to the users’ matches.

Where does this information come from? Obviously from the well-prepared dataminer that, with each update, carefully sift through the codes and the strings present in the files included in the updates.

Just the 7.30 update would include some data referring to different seismological events: there is everything from earthquakes with causal frequency to the blunt and compromised playing field, to increase the difficulty of the players the rickety game camera and the presence of dust and adverse conditions to a perfect view.

Fortnite Season 8: contents and weapons

To add some confirmation about the much-talked theme of the Season 8 of Fortnite the secret skin currently present in the game, called “The Prisoner“. The reason is soon said: the character has a skin that closely resembles that of a volcano, with the presence of veins that immediately refer to the fiery magma. The Prisoner, who owes his name to the imprisonment he was sentenced at the start of Season 7, could soon reveal to Fortnite’s players the true nature of his powers by catapulting them into a new and exciting adventure campaign.

Also within the codes of the new update was also received an audio file that would closely resemble the typical rumble of an earthquake, accompanied by several clues about an alleged event “Earthquake“. Few references yet for any weapons and game content, but the arrival of season 8 seems now imminent: for the end of the month you will certainly have more details about it, with the various areas of play that could start to change, indicating to users the off for the next season. We will keep you posted.

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