How to be Imposter in Among Us

The InnerSloth party game is bringing a lot of fun to gamers. The game takes place in space isolation, with real crew and imposters in the group. See in this article how to be the imposter in Among Us, are there any special configurations?

Among Us Halloween (Image: InnerSloth / Disclosure)

Who is the imposter in Among Us

The imposter is the player who aims to eliminate the crew, practicing silent murders and creating discord to protect himself. It is the most fun way to play the game, due to adrenaline and risk, many players would like to be just imposters.

Is it possible to choose to be the impostor?

There is no official way for players to choose the role of imposter. If you think about it, it makes no sense to choose to be the imposter. 

The objective of the game is to be incognito, if everyone knows that “so-and-so” only likes to play an imposter, he will inevitably lose the surprise effect and the entire game will be eliminated. If you are still learning to play and are looking to train commands, murders, escapes and strategies it is possible.

How to be the imposter in Among Us

For training purposes, create a Freeplay room if you are eager to improve your killing skills. Whenever the algorithm points to you, it is ready. Freeplay mode allows players to practice being a crewmate or an imposter.

It’s certainly not the way I expected it to be, but it’s a great way to ensure that whenever you have the chance to be the imposter, you have everything you need to make the most of it.

Patience is a virtue

Everyone wants to be the imposter, but think: if everyone leaves the server when they are not imposters, what will it be like when it’s finally your turn? So far, there is no penalty for leaving in the middle of the game. Perhaps it is corrected, as it is very strange, considering the importance of the ratio of imposters to crew members. 

If you are in a game with three imposters and two players leave, the game will end with the murder of two other players. This is too disruptive to matches without closed groups. Try not to be part of the problem, avoid leaving the game simply because you are not the imposter. 

Your time will come and it will be fun. Imagine the frustration, the algorithm decides it’s your turn and everyone leaves the game. Have fun playing on both sides, trying to discover a good impostor is as much fun as being one. 

I hope I explained how to be the impostor in Among Us, there’s no shortcut, it’s really patience.

With information: innerslothscreenrantnerdschalk

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