How to see PC version of a website in Android and iPhone

Let’s see together all the steps to follow on how to see the PC version of a site on Android and iPhone

In today’s tutorial, we will explain step by step with easy and quick steps like seeing the PC version of a site on Android and iPhone.

Considering that for some years now browsing the web from smartphones and digital tablets has grown exponentially, most of the online sites to date are automatically displayed in a mobile version.

What is the mobile version of a site? Simple, nothing but a version far lighter than the desktop. That’s why when you visit the same site from the PC and the smartphone the graphics are not the same, because the first is the desktop version while in the second case the mobile one, nothing particularly complicated.

Although the mobile version by many is considered better because it offers a faster reading of each post or page, this version needs to highlight could remove some sections and various elements present in that desktop and it is for this reason simple that if you visit a site from phone or tablet you could find less resources than usual.

However, you need to know that with the phone or digital tablet you can still view a site in desktop mode, thus finding the contents that are not available in the mobile version.

Below for this we are going to take a look how to see the desktop version of a website on phone or tablet relying on any browser currently in circulation.

If you have Google Chrome installed in your phone or tablet, or possibly the ever-rival Mozilla Firefox, once you get to the Internet site you’re most interested in, just tap the drop-down menu on Firefox and plug the following option accordingly: Desktop mode and on Chrome the option called desktop site. In both circumstances the site will immediately be reloaded into its desktop version. To go back to mobile the procedure to follow is trivial just plug the option back to show the desktop version and you’re done.

The guide has reached its conclusion. For any doubts or problems please do not hesitate to let us know below where there is a special comment box.

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