5 Best alternatives to Photoshop for Linux ubantu and other versions

When it comes to photo-editing, Linux users are constantly experiencing a drama. These are the scale dishes: on the one hand we have Linux with the great merit of being open source but, unfortunately, with very few programs available: rarely, in fact, the big companies invest money in versions of their software for Linux and Adobe, unfortunately, falls among these.

On the other hand, however, we have Windows – in many ways very annoying – but we have the security of being able to install all the programs we want (in this case, we can freely use Photoshop that, in terms of photo-editing, is the undisputed leader ).

Privilege open source by sacrificing the ability to edit photos professionally or vice versa accept in spite of installing Windows but with the guarantee to use Photoshop? If you do not want to think about leaving Linux and reinstall Windows or if you are not sure if you want to venture into a dual boot, you will find here the list of the best 5 alternatives to Photoshop for Linux.

Photoshop with Wine

Before you throw in the towel and give up forever to Photoshop, consider the idea of using Wine. Wine is an emulator for the purpose of emulating Windows. Install Wine on PC and then select the Photoshop.EXE file. After launching it via the emulator, Photoshop will work like any other Windows program.


The first alternative photo-editing program in Photoshop that we would like to recommend is the GNU Image Manipulation Program – better known as GIMP. Born in 1995 (Photoshop is from 1988), GIMP is flexible and has many options that can also be found on Photoshop. As a result, it is suitable for both amateur and professional photo-editing. Finally, you can also install plugs. The only drawback of GIMP is the lack of intuitiveness in its interface: for this reason, before becoming skilled with the program, you will have to do some practice. However, we must consider that GIMP deliberately avoided reproducing the graphics and menus of Photoshop, so as not to be called “clone” of the same.


If you use GIMP or Photoshop for vector images, it will come in handy to know that Inkscape works much more similarly to Illustrator than to Photoshop. With Inkscape we have available classic vector forms, nuanced textures, support for various file extensions and many plugins. The speech of the interface we did for GIMP, unfortunately, is also valid for Inkscape (and many other open source programs, for that matter). And while it’s easy enough to work with Inkscape on a professional level, you can not say it’s easy to use as Illustrator.


On Windows, one of the best alternatives to Photoshop is Paint.NET. There is also a version of Paint.NET for Linux and is called Pinta. Pinta has all the basic functions of a photo editing program, such as infinite levels and the complete history of all the changes already made, as well as 35 special effects to change the image on the fly. It’s the perfect solution if you only need to correct a detail or two, while for more elaborate interventions we suggest a program like GIMP.


Krita is a program designed for digital drawing. That is onceptual art, textures and comics. Thanks to the default packages, containing multiple brushes and other useful tools, the inexperienced will quickly learn to digitally paint and the experts will do it with greater ease, thanks to the minimal interface that does not allow distractions.


MyPaint does more or less the same things as Krita and also has a minimal interface. The thing that differentiates these two programs is that MyPaint has far fewer tools than Krita, but that does not mean it’s poor, quite the opposite. Our advice, if you are approaching digital drawing for the first time, is to try MyPaint initially. Nothing will stop you, when you have taken your hand, to go to the next level thanks to Krita.

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