What is Smule and how it works

Karaoke enthusiasts have always been able to count on some specific software with musical bases and words to enliven the evenings in the company, as time went by there was an evolution thanks to the arrival of platforms like Smule, which completely revolutionized the way to do Karaoke; in this article we will discover what Smule is and how it works and how you can register and share your passion for music and karaoke with the whole world.

Smule is a platform dedicated entirely to Karaoke enthusiasts, the company that developed it has thought a lot about the social side, allowing users to sing and share their performances with other members, but not only, you can also duet or challenge yourself, all with excellent quality music bases.

How to register with Smule

The subscription to Smule is really simple and is free, in a few seconds you can access all the contents of the platform, first you need to connect to the site and then choose whether to register using an email address or connect directly using Facebook Connect, in this the user will use their login credentials from the famous social network to become part of the Smule community.

The platform allows people to get in touch with each other and sing a song together, post it on their personal account and share it to be judged by other users and to create rankings.

The graphical interface

After having connected to Smule, it is immediately clear that it is an intuitive portal, very easy to consult, in which it is possible to do everything with immediacy and without particular problems.

The graphic interface is nice, the dominant colors are white and black, on the top bar we find the following items: Listen, Song, Apps, Blog and Get Vip.

Clicking on Listen we are offered a sort of initial page in which we find all the videos made by users of the community who have resumed their performance or that together with other people, and have posted it to share and receive like.

On Song, instead, we find all the musical bases available on Smule to be able to listen and use to sing, to facilitate the search for titles on the left have been put filters for genres and a search field to find immediately the song you want.

From the site you can listen to the basics and read the text, while to start the performance, you need to connect to the Get Sing Karaoke application, which will be discussed below.

In fact, under Apps we find the official app for iOS and Android smartphones called, as mentioned, Get Sing Karoke and allows you to access additional features, such as to register your own version of the song as an individual or with someone else and then publish it on platform where everyone can listen to it.

In this section there are also many other applications provided by Smule and dedicated to the world of music and sharing.

The entry Blog reports to the blog of Smule where you can read many news on the portal, the application, the songs included and much more, finally, Get Vip allows access to a paid area, through which you can take advantage of many advantages.

The possibilities offered are two: a one-month subscription for 5.59 dollars, or for one year for 27.99 dollars, by signing one of these proposals you will switch to a VIP account and you will be able to benefit from many options and advantages more than to a free account that is subject to various limitations.

On the same bar there is also the item Upload in green, accessing this area you can upload your own audio file in MP4a and MP3 formats of up to 20 MB in size and no more than 10 minutes in length, while to have more time and space are required to switch to the VIP account.


Karaoke lovers cannot get much help but be satisfied with Smule and the possibilities it offers, it is a new way to share music, to interact with other people and to make their voice known all over the world.

Through the platform it is easy to meet new people, talk to them and decide to do a duet or maybe to sing in a group and then post the result on the social network and receive reviews and comments.

To make Smule work, you need to download the application available for Android and iOS, through which you will be able to launch the basics of your favorite songs and record your own karaoke performance before publishing it on the platform.

Under the video, the like buttons are available to express a judgment, in this case a heart icon, the one for sharing and the one for leaving a comment.

Users can write privately through messages and agree on any performance to do together and then publish.

From the site you can only listen and see the interpretations of others and upload their own through the upload, while all the most interesting features are available via the app, also, choosing the VIP account for a fee will have more features available.

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