Where to Find Free eBooks For Your Kindle?

A variety of Kindle books are the contributions of the Kindle Direct Publishing platform of Amazon. These are meant for paying readers. There are many other free Kindle books over the Internet, but the real challenge lies in spotting and collecting them. There are many sources and several methods to search for free Kindle books of different genres. Getting a free Kindle book is easy if you locate the correct website. After which you can just walk through smoothly to discover and download the free Kindle books. These free Kindle books are available for all ages like kids, teens, and adults. For those who don’t have a Kindle, there is a free Kindle reading app.

Where to spot and download free eBooks?

  1. Amazon

  • Amazon has loads of free eBooks other than selling various products. If you are a Prime member then you can use the Amazon First Reads program to get a free eBook every month. In this, there are six eBooks available from six different genres like Thriller, Contemporary Fiction, Children’s, Crime Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Memoir.
  • Browsing through Amazon’s limited-time free Kindle books allows us to find out what books are free currently. They are free only for a certain period.
  • Amazon offers free eBooks even for non-prime members. You can choose from a list of classic free kindle books in a variety of genres. Just bookmark the link and read it.
  • You can get free eBooks from your browser’s search box by just adding the Kindle search engine to your web browser. Instead, you can use external search engines such as com to hunt for free Kindle books.
  • Another option is swapping kindle books with a friend.
  1. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg offers 57,245 free eBooks and is the longest -established ebook site in the world. The eBooks can be downloaded in various formats like MOBI, EPUB or PDF files. Sorting can be done by popular, latest or random to get your desired eBook. The books under the public domain are free. If you want to read old books, then this is the correct place to pick your eBook.

Options are available to download Kindle with images or without images.

  1. Smashwords

Smashwords is a significant source of recently released independent ebooks. The catalogue comprises around 2,00,000 titles from which you can download your required eBook. Books of different languages other than English are available on Smashwords. As of now, Smashword offers 79,320 free books. You can sort the books based on the word length or price.

  1. Facebook

There are several pages or groups in Facebook presenting free and popular Kindle books which can be downloaded. Visit the homepage of Facebook and ‘log in’ to your account. Just type “Free Kindle books” in the search box and Facebook displays a bunch of pages and groups offering free Kindle books. Next, browse those pages or groups to see the list of free Kindle books.

  1. Open Library

Open Library offers to download free Kindle books and permits lending service. It is the storehouse of over 1 million eBooks. Open Library seem to specialize in classic literature and you can explore by keywords, authors, subjects, and genres. If any book has more than one edition, then all other editions are also available in Open Library. Each of the editions is provided with separate directories.

Uniqueness in Open Library is the “Send to Kindle” option which makes the process of adding books easy.

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