Find out which applications eat most of RAM in Windows 10

Very often the PC starts to slow down due to some software that uses too much RAM. It is therefore important to be aware of which programs use more RAM and thus find a solution. In this article we will show you how to find out which apps consume RAM on Windows 10.

Find out which apps consume RAM on Windows 10

Finding out which apps consume RAM on Windows 10 is really very simple. First you need to open the Windows 10 Task Manager; to do this simply press the CTRLALT, DEL keys simultaneously and, once the appropriate screen appears, select the Activity Management item. At this point, having opened the Task Manager window, you will have to select the Processes tab. Under Memory you will be able to see all the consumptions of the various programs and, by clicking on the appropriate box, you can order the various apps showing those from the highest consumption to those with the lowest consumption and vice versa.

What to do?

Once you have discovered the applications that use RAM, make sure there is nothing unusual between them. It often happens that anti-virus and Google Chrome itself take up a lot of memory; nevertheless, if among the list you find applications that you do not know or are not running, terminate them and delete them from your system.

Another control that you will have to perform is that inherent to the actual amount of RAM used by an app; you will also need to verify that the consumption corresponds to what was expected. If everything turns out to be okay, but your terminal continues to be too slow, try to limit the simultaneous use of multiple applications or install an SSD hard drive, so as to greatly improve performance.

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