Why Your Law Firm Needs an Appointment Booking App

Why Your Law Firm Needs an Appointment Booking App

If there is one thing we have learned from the ongoing pandemic, remote working can be successful. Indeed, many businesses reported productivity at similar levels to when the office was fully staffed. Of course, none of this would be possible without the use of computers, broadband, software, and tools.

By tools, we mean the various apps and packages that have become essential now that working remotely is real. Many professionals have recognized the benefits of offering remote services. This applies greatly when we look at law firms. Not every meeting between a client and a lawyer needs to be in person, and there are many reasons why a video link is a better option. 

In this article, we look at the increasingly popular use of appointment booking apps by law firms. We’ll talk about how one works and the benefits of each party. Let’s start by looking at how a typical booking app does its job. 

How Does a Booking App Work?

Among the useful automation tools for lawyer practice offices is the booking app. There are many available in a competitive market, and the above link takes you to one that we think is a typical example. How does it work? It’s a replacement for the old telephone and diary method, and the steps for use are as follows:

  • The lawyer creates a calendar of available slots for the coming week, month, or chosen period.
  • The calendar is cloud-based and published online.
  • Clients who need an appointment can access the calendar and choose an appropriate slot for their consultation, case update, or another legal requirement.
  • That slot is then closed, and both lawyer and client get a confirmation.

From the above, it is easy to see that this is a streamlined and simple process that saves time and increases profit. But that’s not all a booking app such as the above can offer, so let’s talk a little more about what comes with the package.

What Else Can a Booking App Provide? 

In addition to scheduling, a booking app such as missed.com also offers the following functions:

  • Integrated video conferencing software for enacting the meetings.
  • Automated billing by hours used per client.
  • Client details are securely stored in the cloud.
  • Reporting and updating software for keeping clients up to date with progress. 
  • Messaging options for clear communication.

These are just a few of the added functions and features of a typical scheduling and booking app, so let’s recap some of the benefits for both the client and the lawyer.

Providing legal services once meant seeing every client in person in an office setting. With remote working now an established and successful format, this need not be the case. A lawyer can stage a consultation or other meeting with a client from home or other remote location. 

They can also consult with partners via a video link. The benefits are clear that an expensive to rent and run city or town center office is not needed. Nor is the daily commute to and from work necessary. These two benefits impact not only on cost and convenience but also on the environment. For the client, the benefits of a remote legal meeting maybe even more attractive. 

What is the Benefit to the Client? 

In a prior situation, the client would have to arrange an appointment by telephone or email, travel to and from the lawyer’s offices, and endure all the cost and time that the journey entails. With a remote booking app, the appointment is arranged instantly, and the journey is eliminated as the meeting can be performed remotely. It’s a win-win situation for both parties and has been a welcome boost for lawyers and other professionals during the crisis.


While a booking app of the type described will be of use to lawyers, it will also be of use to others such as personal trainers, counselors, accountants, tutors, and any business that can operate on a face-to-face basis via a video link.

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