YouTube will remove duplicate videos

YouTube will delete double videos to protect the revenue of many famous Youtubers. Stretto YouTube to fight the re-upload of many videos among the most viewed online

YouTube will remove duplicate videos

Google plans to make a clean sweep on YouTube by deleting all the duplicate videos of the Partner Program.

In fact, several Youtuber upload videos to monetize but many of these videos on the platform, are simply reloaded and owned by other users who then claim the revenue.

That’s why YouTube will remove these double videos, but only those who join the Partner Program (YPP). A good crackdown by YouTube, which will then remove thousands of double videos from the accounts of several youtuber.

The contents that will be removed because they are duplicate are those of the automatically generated contents, extracted from third-party sources without contents or narrative, contents uploaded several times without the creators and those that circumvent the copyright rights.

The goal is to increase that the channels load original and unique content, not copying them from other channels by not introducing points on the YouTube platform.

So goodbye to duplicate content even on the most famous channels, but only unique content that bring added value to the entire platform. The channels that will be banned for too many double videos, can request admission after waiting 30 days out of the program and after cleaning the channel from the contents not their own but copied.

At the moment on the official YouTube forum, many youtubers are complaining about the removal from the partner program, because they think they have been unfairly dismissed.

We’ll see if the fight for the unique and not copied content is a lost battle at the start or with these moves will not be liked by the youtuber who will be hunted and put up a protest to check the contents better.

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