How to play Rocket League : Complete

Rocket League was launched in 2015, but continues with an engaged community and support from its producer. For you who have just arrived on the field, learn how to play Rocket League, learn a little more about the game modes and enjoy what the game can offer.

How to play Rocket League

In Rocket League you control a team of up to four cars, where the goal is to score goals on the opponent. Yes, Rocket League is a “football cart”, with extremely arcade gameplay where you can use turbos and jumps to reach the path of victory.

Game Modes

Although football is the main mode of the game, there are other fun modes that alter some elements of the gameplay and can please when you get tired of football, they are:


It’s the game’s basketball. Here the court is smaller and the player must master the aerial moves better to make the baskets.

Snow Day

We have here an ice hockey version in which the goal is to hit the puck to score goals. The physics is different because the puck is a lot heavier than the standard ball.


In this mode, players are on top of an arena with a transparent floor in which the objective is to make the ball touch the ground on the opponent’s field to erase the floor. After that the objective is to throw the ball in the open holes to score.


And mode is the “Mario Kart” of the game, because while trying to score goals it is possible to use several power ups such as boots that throw opponents away, items that freeze the ball or spikes that stick the ball in your cart.


It is not really a game mode, but the possibility to exchange items won in the game with other players. To understand how the trading system works, check out our article on how the Rocket League trading system works

How to use cross-play in Rocket League

After updates the game gained the function of “Cross-play” between platforms. That way, you can play on a PS4 together with people on PC, Xbox One or Switch at random. Although the function is already enabled in the default in the game, here’s how to change it. Go to the main menu:

  1. Select “Options”;
  2. Go to the “Gameplay” tab;
  3. Go to the option “Cross-Platform Play”;

How to play private matches using cross-play

On the main menu.

  1. Go to “Private Match”;
  2. Then on “Create a private match”;
  3. Set room name and password;

Who will enter the room:

  1. Go to “Private Match”;
  2. Select join a “Private Match”;
  3. Enter the room name and password;


  • Test the camera settings. Playing with the camera closer or further away from the vehicle can make a difference;
  • As in traditional football, play collectively. Don’t be fominha;
  • Using the turbo before hitting the ball results in a stronger “kick”;
  • The hand brake is a useful tool for maneuvering faster;
  • Sometimes it is better to hit the opponent’s car to kill a move than to hit the ball;

For more information, access the game support.

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