How to activate Ultimate Performance mode in Windows 10

Microsoft has released the Spring Creators Update that introduced the Ultimate Performance mode in Windows 10, aka Excellent Performance, which improves performance across all high-end PCs.

In this article we will see how to activate the Ultimate Performance mode in Windows 10 with some steps, the procedure will also cover the registry keys but nothing that could endanger the operation of the operating system.

This mode has been released to give more energy savings, aware of how increasingly demanding workloads can affect the overall performance of the computer and the system.

Theoretically, this mode can be active only on some PCs, in particular, on those not powered by battery, but with a trick you can activate Ultimate Performance in Windows 10 on any computer, let’s see how.

The first thing to do is check that the version of Windows is 1803 or later, to do so just go to Settings> System> Information.

Then start the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ Power \ User \ PowerSchemes. If the e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 key is present, it is possible to activate the Ultimate Performance mode, only that it is hidden, so we should perform the procedure to make it visible.

How to activate Ultimate Performance on Windows 10 on all PCs

The procedure to activate Ultimate Performance in Windows 10 is quite simple and can be performed even by less experienced users, just follow the instructions below.

First, type in the Cortana CMD search box and right-click on Run as Administrator, click Yes if you are prompted for User Account Control.

Type the command powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 and press Enter.

In this way you will have completed the procedure to activate the Excellent performance mode in Windows 10, to verify that everything is going in the right direction you have to go to the appropriate section in the Control Panel.

In fact, by going to the Control Panel, choose the item Hardware and Sounds, then Power Options and under the Balanced item, you will also see the option Excellent performance, which you can select with the check and change at will by clicking on the button on the right Change Combination Settings.

If you do not have the version of Windows 1803 or later and you do not find the hidden registry key, you will not be able to activate Ultimate Performance mode on your Windows 10 PC.

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