Apps for Instagram, to create more attractive and original stories

Instagram has become the ideal social network not only to follow all kinds of beauties, both male and female, but also to be enjoyed by friends, to meet new people using their photos and to discover the activities of other people.

Given the popularity of Instagram, it is normal that there are other unofficial apps to make the whole game simpler and with new possibilities, both to create more attractive and original stories, and to read posts and look at photos and stories in an anonymous way without having an account. Note that most of these apps fulfill a need that Instagram may have ignored and that can be implemented in subsequent updates, such as the ability to create custom stickers or schedule posts.

Also, it should be borne in mind that these apps may also stop working in the future if Instagram were to make changes to its platform.

Let’s have a look at the best apps to use Instagram, on PC, via the web and on Android and iPhone, in no particular order.

1) Gramblr is a program for PC and Mac that can be used to publish photos and images on Instagram from the computer, with automatic cropping and with a very interesting feature that also allows you to program posts to publish them not immediately, but at an established time.

If you do not want to use a program to install, you can also schedule posts for posting on Instagram using the Storrito web app, which is free up to 10 posts per month.

2) Repost is an app for Instagram on iPhone and Android that allows you to share the posts of others that is a feature missing in Instagram on your stream (in practice a function similar to the Share under Facebook posts or Twitter retweet)

The app Most popular app for republishing, called Repost, is not working at the moment (and we do not know if it will come back to it)

Alternatively, we can use Repost for Instagram on Android and Quickly Repost on Android

3) Twitly for Android is an app that allows you to manage the Instagram profile with new features and different tricks like: find out who stops following us, see the stories of others anonymously without them knowing and downloading the stories of Instagram.

4) Boomerang ( Android and iPhone ), Layout ( Android and iPhone ) and Direct ( Android and iPhone ) are three official Instagram applications, each with a special function:
– Boomerang allows to publish gif (or mini videos) of those that come back and repeat themselves back and forth continuously.
– Direct is an app to create funny and fun messages and posts quickly
– Layout is an app to create photo compositions easily and share them on Instagram in one image.

5) GramBig is a website that allows you to see the profile pictures of Instagram accounts in large format at original size, which is not possible with the Instagram app.
The site can be used without having to register and without logging into an account, also because the profile images of Instagram are always public for everyone.

6) Kapwing is a site that offers graphical models to use to create Instagram stories.
Instagram does not allow you to edit multiple images in a story or create collages with text.
Kapwing’s Story Templates is a simple web app for making Stories by selecting a template, choosing colors, adding more images, GIF or video.
You can upload images from your computer or even add a link.
There are no filters from this site, but you can apply basic edits such as cropping, cropping the video, changing the image size, and so on.

7) Unfold ( AndroidiPhone ) is an app to create a collection of images and posts, which become perfect for creating multi-page stories.
Each page can be a different type of model with multiple images or videos and also written text.
The text of the post can be customized by choosing the font and color and font size.

8) Story Art ( AndroidiPhone ) has several free templates to create beautiful and original stories, in which each model has over 10 design layouts.
The process of creating an Instagram story with this app is the same as Unfold: select a template, add photos and optionally the text.
Unlike Unfold, this app does not support video, you can only add images in the story.
You can choose a font and color for the text and change font size.

9) Story Maker ( Android ) is another free app to create beautiful stories on Instagram with many models available to choose from, where to add photos and/or personalized text.
Unlike other apps, this allows you to add a background, solid or color, to the story.

10) AnySticker ( AndroidiPhone ) is the app to stick personalized Stickers on the stories, with a very simple wizard.

11) Filtergram (website) is a site that allows you to use Instagram without an account, which can be useful for those who just want to follow someone without publishing anything.
To use it you need to create an account on Filtergram.
The only limit is that you can not read comments to posts, but you can leave the “like”.
Filtergram does not send notifications, does not track the location, and is a very uninvasive way to use Instagram without posting or commenting.

12) Best Nine ( websiteAndroid and iPhone ) is the app to view the best 9 posts of the year in a single collage that you can then post on Instagram.

13) CutStory for iPhone and Story Cutter for Android allow you to publish stories with videos longer than 15 seconds, which is the limit imposed by Instagram.
The trick is to split the video into different stories making them appear one after the other, so that they seem like a complete story.

14) is a website that allows you to insert more than one link in your own biography of Instagram, hidden behind the one that Instagram allows to write.

15) Map Instagram, allows you to see photos of people followed, in the world map, so you know where they were published at a glance.

16) Phonto, Canva, Adobe Spark are among the best app to edit photos, which work great to create original stories on Instagram.

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