How to connect your Xbox 360 controller to your PC

Although a lot of people who play on the PC prefer to use the keyboard, there are those who do not give up using dedicated controls, and among them, control of the Xbox 360 is still an excellent choice: ergonomic, comfortable and resistant. In addition, the joystick can be found in very accessible values, depending on the model chosen.

In this article you will learn how to connect the Xbox 360 controller on your Windows PC, is the version with or without wire in a few simple steps.

How to Connect the Xbox 360 Wired Controller to the PC

The method for connecting the Xbox 360 wired controller to the PC varies depending on the version of Windows in which it will be used, but in general the procedure is fairly simple. The accessory with cable is the most affordable option, costing between $40 and $70 in stores.

How to Connect the Wired Control in Windows 10

To install the wired control in Windows 10, simply plug it into a USB port on your computer; the system will install the control drivers automatically and at the end of the configuration, the control can already be used.

How to connect the wired control in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

The drivers accompany the default OS installation, and should be enabled as soon as the control is connected. If there are problems, the user will have to do the manual process:

  1. Enter the Microsoft website and download the drivers for Windows 7, in the version corresponding to the model of your processor ( 32 or 64 bits );
  2. In the Downloads folder, right-click on the downloaded package and select Properties;
  3. On the Compatibility tab, check the Run this program in compatibility mode for;
  4.  On the next tab, select Windows 7 and click Apply;
  5.  Install the package, and restart Windows if the system prompts.
  6. Connect the control;
  7. Click Start, type joy.cpl, and then press Enter;
  8. Select the Xbox 360 Controller option and then Properties;
  9. Test the buttons and directional controls, which should be working; otherwise, try to connect it to another USB port.

And ready.

How to Connect the Wired Control in Windows 7

Unlike Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 7 does not bring any packages preinstalled; so you need to download the drivers to make the control work:

  1. Enter the Microsoft website and download the drivers , in the version corresponding to the model of your processor ( 32 or 64 bits );
  2.  Install the package, and restart Windows if the system prompts.
  3. Connect the control;
  4. Click StartRun, type joy.cpl, and then press Enter;
  5. Select the Xbox 360 Controller option and then Properties;
  6. Test the buttons and directional controls, which should be working; otherwise, connect it to another USB port.

And that’s it. Your Xbox 360 wired controller is connected to your PC, and working.

How to Connect the Xbox 360 Wireless Controller to the PC

The procedure for connecting the Xbox 360 wireless controller to the PC is slightly different, as it requires the use of an additional accessory, the Xbox 360 Wireless Game Receiver for Windows. Because the control does not use Bluetooth, but a proprietary 2.4 GHz protocol (only newer versions of Xbox One controls use Bluetooth 4.0), the accessory is required to connect the peripheral to the PC.

If you already have an Xbox 360, you can use the control that came with the console, only need to acquire the receiver in the retail network for prices ranging from $60 to $80; otherwise, it comes with a kit with an Xbox 360 wireless controller, which can be found for prices around $260.

The procedure for connecting the Xbox 360 Wireless Controller to the PC is to first have Windows recognize the receiver, and the methods are basically the same as those for the wired control; Once this is done, you will need to configure the control.

How to install the receiver in Windows 10

Just connect it to a USB port on the computer; the system will automatically install the drivers.

How to install the wired receiver in Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

You need to download the drivers from the official website and install them manually:

  1. Enter the Microsoft website and download the drivers for Windows 7, in the version corresponding to the model of your processor ( 32 or 64 bits );
  2. If you use Windows 8 or 8.1, right-click on the downloaded package, select Properties;
  3. On the Compatibility tab, check the Run this program in compatibility mode for;
  4.  On the next tab, select Windows 7 and click Apply;
  5. If you use Windows 7, skip steps 2 through 4;
  6.  Install the package, and restart Windows if the system prompts.
  7. Connect the receiver, which should be recognized. Otherwise, use another USB port.

How to Configure Wireless Controller

  1. Turn on the Xbox 360 controller by holding the button with the Xbox symbol until the lights become on;
  2. Press and hold the receiver’s connection button (it’s the only button, actually), until the green light begins to flash;
  3. Press and hold the control connection button at the top between the cable connection and the LB button (pictured above, circled in red);
  4. The receiver and control lights will begin flashing in sync until they stop. In the control, one of the four lights will be lit, indicating the player number assigned to it, from 1 to 4.

And now, your Xbox 360 Wireless Controller has already been set up and connected to your PC.

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