The first thing you need to determine for yourself is for what purpose do I buy a League of Legends account? Do you want an account with rare skins? Do you want to start climbing the rating system from scratch and you need an account on which no ranked games have been played yet? You just don’t want to upgrade your account to level 30 again, and the previous account has been banned? Or maybe you just want to play for fun and write in the chat what you want to write to allies and opponents without picking up words and not being afraid to get a ban for insults in the chat on the main account? Anyway, there may be many reasons, and it so happened that we have an account for each of these purposes and even more!
Buy an account in League of Legends
For various reasons, this can be practical. Whether it’s because you want to have a second account to play with friends with a lower rating, buy lol smurf accounts or because your master account is blocked. Various reasons may encourage you to buy an account. buy lol smurf accounts
First, if you got into this article because your account has been blocked, keep in mind that there are ways to restore your account.
How to restore a Riot account
If you are wondering where to buy an account, here are the answers to your questions.
How does it work? Is it risky? Is it even legal? Answer all these questions in this article.
This article is not intended to encourage players to buy new accounts at all. I want to clarify the topic, and explain how much this approach contradicts the rules established by Riot and what you risk from a legal point of view.
Finally, for those who still want to take a decisive step, I would like to tell them how to buy an account with minimal risk.
Buying a League of Legends account: what are the risks
Before proceeding with this procedure, it is important to understand how it works and what the problems are.
First, let’s see what you risk in the eyes of the law if you purchase an account with League of Legends.
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Legal risks of buying an account
From a legal point of view, buying an account on LOL is normal. Each account is personalized and is a digital product that belongs to you. Buying or selling digital products is allowed in most countries of the world.
More detailed rules depending on the country can be clarified. But whether in Europe or in the United States, you don’t take many risks.
Since we are talking about accounts that mainly consist of a handful of dollars, even if it were completely illegal, you wouldn’t take many risks.
However, by buying a League of Legends account, you violate the rules established by Riot.
Riot’s account trading policy
Riot completely prohibits the purchase and sale of an account. This means that they reserve the right to block this account and all those that belong to you if you are caught.
In theory, you will no longer be able to play the game if you are caught.
But the chances are low. Today it is very difficult for Riot to prove that the account was bought. Obviously, LOL can be played from any place in the world. This means that if your account is connected in China and the next day in Spain, this is not a problem.
Therefore, it is very difficult for Riot to prove that this account was created in China and sold to a Spanish player, for example.
However, you can ask yourself a moral question about buying an account. Here’s what you need to understand when you need to go to the end of the procedure, and for example, buy a level 30 account.
Rule of law against the rule of morality in League of Legends
We call here in more detail moral rules than legal rules. if you buy an account on LOL, you contribute in one way or another and on your scale to disruption of the system, and indirectly contribute to toxicity.
Why so?
Any player who hides behind the purchased anonymous account will be more inclined to break the rules and do what he wants.
If you are tired of facing toxic, negative, aggressive chat players, etc. I think that Trading on the account contributes to this behavior.
If everyone could create and play with their own accounts, their email addresses, without the ability to buy another account, maybe everyone’s behavior would be much more responsible.
For comparison, imagine a world on the roads where you can very easily buy a new driver’s license. In addition to financial fines, why respect the annoying red light if you can very easily buy a license for points?
It’s the same logic here. So that you can see in which world you want to develop and which League of Legends game you want to play. You are a community, and you influence it with your choice.
At the same time, here’s what you risk accessing the account in question during purchase.
Buying an account LOL: the risk of suspension
If you still want to go through the buying process, here’s what you need to know.
League of Legends has different types of accounts. In recent years, websites have specialized in creating and reselling accounts. To do this, they have developed computer software that allows the character to play independently, go through the first 30 levels of the account, which are long and tedious.