How to clean your mobile phone screen at home

If you have a few minutes to devote to me and if the thing you’re interested in, I’m going to tell you how to clean the screen of your cell phone, an operation that, unlike appearances and beyond what you can think of, it’s simple enough to do.

Furthermore, to achieve this, it is not necessary to have a particular “instrumentation”. This is an equipment that you can easily find in any hypermarket (or that you already have at home, at your fingertips).

Then? Do you want to deepen the topic? Yes? Very well. I, therefore, suggest that we should not dwell on further talk and immediately enter into the issue. Get comfortable, grab your smartphone and read the instructions on what to do that you find below.

In the end, you will see, the display of your mobile phone will be as bright as when you just bought it and you will be able to tell you very happy and satisfied with what you have learned. What do you think we bet?

Preliminary operations

Before explaining how you need to proceed to clean the screen of your phone there are some operations, so to speak, preliminaries that you would do well to perform. Let’s find out which ones, together.

First of all, disconnect from your smartphone any external power source and any devices and cables connected to it.

Then worry about turning off the phone by pressing and continuing to hold for a few moments on the appropriate Power button that usually exists on the right or left side of the body or up (depending on the make and model of the device) and then confirm the execution of the ‘operation by tapping on the appropriate voice on the screen or dragging the appropriate lever in the right direction (the thing always depends on the brand and model of the phone).

Once the smartphone is off, proceed to remove any accessories applied and/or connected to the device.

Do the same with the cover  (if you use one) and with the protective film  (always if you use it and taking into account the fact that once you remove the pier you will probably have to replace it with a brand new as in most cases it is not of “recyclable” products).


Once you have done the steps above, always before you can go to the action going to clean the screen of the phone you have to worry about getting the necessary material to deal with the operation in question.

As I said at the beginning, it is “things” that you can find without problems at the supermarket or at least in stores near the house. Let’s see more in detail what it is.

First of all, you have to get a  microfibre cloth  (like the ones that are usually used to clean the lenses of the glasses), preferably antistatic and do not leave lint here and there on the screen of the device.

Alternatively, you can use a  chamois cloth or a  chamois leather cloth that is just as soft and suitable for the purpose in question.

Never use abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, compressed air products and other similar “devilries” since you risk only damaging the display of your mobile phone and scratching it irreparably.

Usually, you do not need anything else, the use of one of the aforementioned cloths proves more than sufficient. Only in cases of particularly persistent dirt, it is advisable to use a little water to moisten the cloth.

Alternatively, or in any case in the case where water alone does not bring the desired results, you can create a home-made detergent solution consisting of  50% distilled water and 50% of white vinegar.

I point out then that in the market there are also detergent products specifically designed for cleaning screens and displays (which, however, should never be sprayed directly on the screen of the phone but first on the cloth).

Even in this case, these are items that you can find without too much trouble and moreover at practically insignificant prices in supermarkets, in electronics and computer shops but also online, for example on Amazon.

The products just mentioned, however, are not ideal in the case of smartphones with a screen with oleophobic coating, as in the case of the iPhone.

This coating is consumed with the passage of time and with normal use. Cleaning products and abrasive materials will deteriorate further and may result in scratching the display.

In general, however, try to avoid any type of substance that may be abrasive (scratch your screen irremediably) and products that contain ammonia (it is corrosive and can ruin the display of the cell phone as well as adjacent parts of the device).

In any case, in case of doubts, to avoid using unsuitable cleaning materials, especially with regard to the use of detergents, I strongly recommend that you first consult the page dedicated to assistance and/or info on cleaning your smartphone you should be able to find by accessing the official website of the referenced manufacturer.

Screen cleaning

Now we come to the core from the question and try to understand, what steps must be taken to clean the screen of the phone.

First, look at the display against the light. If you notice the presence of grains of dust or that of other debris, simply remove them by blowing on them, in a delicate way. In this way, you will avoid unnecessarily damaging the display during the rubbing operation to be carried out with the cloth.

Then grab the microfibre cloth (or the one in suede or suede leather, depending on what you have at your disposal) and pass it on the whole screen, including edges, making delicate and circular movements and without exerting excessive pressure.

If after a first pass you notice that there are still traces of dust or other dirt on the screen, repeat the cleaning operation more than once.

Still, you find the dirt on the smartphone screen continues to remain, you can moisten the cloth in use with a little water and pass it on the display as seen above.

If the water is not enough, you can take advantage of the “do it yourself” solution I told you in the previous step or a special spray for screens and displays (of which I have always spoken a few lines more).

Even in the case of cleaning solutions, both the “handmade” and the ready to use, you must first wet the cloth and then pass the cloth on the display in a delicate manner, making circular and without particular pressure.

If you want advice, when using the dampened cloth, try to avoid, as far as possible, to rub front camera, sensors, speaker and Home key.

Then if you had moistened the cloth to clean the screen, use the non-wet side of the same to dry the device always making gentle and circular movements without pressure and then leave the phone on a flat surface and free of impurities for a few minutes waiting that the display finishes drying.

Then you can start using your smartphone, now cleaner than ever (at least for what concerns the screen).

After cleaning, remember to also pass the cloth used for the purpose in question under running warm water and let it dry for a few hours.

By doing so, you will remove the dirt residues accumulated on the cloth and if necessary you can also use it again in the future.

As I already told you and how you noticed yourself, cleaning the phone screen is not difficult, far from it.

In this regard, however, I suggest you not to take into consideration questionable and unfounded methods that unfortunately are often proposed online and that if put into practice may damage your phone irreparably.

So try to avoid films of dubious origin and avoid experimenting on your skin (or rather, on the screen of your phone) questionable practices. Then do not tell me I did not warn you!

Useful tips for the future

Once completed the procedure by which to clean the screen of the phone, I suggest, to try to keep the device as long as possible clean, to get you (if you had not already done and especially if you had never done!) a special protective film to be applied on the display.

There are different types, opaque, glossy, tempered glass etc. Choose the one that you think can do most for you and place it on the screen following the instructions.

In combination with the film, I also recommend using a protective cover for the device that can also protect the edges and that can vote to go to meet various scratches and abrasions on the screen as well as on the smartphone in general.

In order to protect the display, the mobile phone bags can also be useful (a very fashionable time, now a bit ‘less) in which you can insert the device in its entirety and prevent dust, crumbs and other things can dirty the phone.

You can find everything in phone shops and/or specialize in the sale of accessories for mobile phones, in electronics and IT stores.

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