Pokémon Sword and Shield : Gigamax forms, complete list to find them

What are the Gigamax forms and where to find them in Pokémon Sword and Shield: here’s what we know and how to get the new transformations introduced in Nintendo Switch games.
Pokémon Sword and Shield: Gigamax forms, where to find them and complete list

Pokémon Sword and Shield introduce an important novelty: the Gigamax forms, special transformations to use in battle next to the Dynamax and that allow to unlock a new aspect and exclusive moves to the Pokémon of turn. Where to find them and what are they? How do they work?

The land of Galar is subject to the Dynamax phenomenon, with the Wilds swarming with giant Pokémon and the gym leaders ready to unleash their Gigamax Pokémon: even players, during their journey through the Sword and Shield, can get several creatures capable of gigamaxizzarsi.

Let’s find out how this juicy novelty of Pokémon Sword and Shield and the complete list of all creatures able to exploit the Gigamax phenomenon.

Pokémon Sword and Shield, Gigamax forms: how they work

A premise is necessary: unlike megaevents and Z moves, which can be activated at any time during the battle, the Gigamax forms are executable only under certain and precise circumstances. These are the challenges in the Gym stadiums, used for the titanic battles between Pokémon Dynamax and Gigamax and in the Dynamax Raids in the vast Wild Lands.

They cannot be activated during encounters with wild Pokémon or during challenges with coaches, but only when at the beginning of the battle we see our bracelet shine, followed by the appearance of the Dynamax button inside the fight controls.

Pokémon Sword and Shield, where to find the Gigamax forms

The Gigamax forms can be found in all the gyms of Galar, with the third stage of Kabu, fire type, which introduces the alternative form of its Centiskorch first. Later, others are introduced, but how can they be achieved during the game? yüreğir escort

We know that by purchasing a Pokémon Sword by January 31st 2020, you have the right to download a special Meowth (with the appearance of Kanto) that can gigamaxize in a unique and exclusive form (and which allows you to obtain different special powers coins in battle). To get it, all you have to do is start the game and select the item Secret Gift -> Via the internet through the main menu.

In addition to these, there is also a special Pikachu or Eevee able to take advantage of the Gigamax: to have them it is sufficient to have a rescue from Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee (at any point in the game). Once you reach the first train station of the game, contact the couple of children at the corner to receive the desired mascot corresponding to the game file.

Charizard Gigamax, on the other hand, can only be obtained after completing the main story, as soon as you have officially become the new Galar champions. Back at your initial town, go to Hop’s house and go up to the second floor in Dandel’s room where you will find a Pokéball containing a special Charmender, which once evolved into a gigamaxized Charizard.

And all the others? There are about twenty Pokémon capable of exploiting the Gigamax phenomenon in the course of the game and to have them we will have to exploit the second novelty of the game: the Wild lands. Within this online open world you will find, albeit very rarely, the Gigamax Raid with the creature of the moment to be captured. Once beaten using group skills you can capture the missing version, to add to your collection.

No stones or other accessories: the Gigamax phenomenon seems to be closely related to the special Pokémon it captures. Game Freak seems to have decided to release the various Gigamax raids gradually over the next few months (also going to lengthen the whole post game component, which can be extended online). At the moment, it is possible to find raids for Butterfree Gigamax, which we advise you not to miss.

Pokémon Gigamax: what are they, complete list

As mentioned, the Pokémon that can exploit the Gigamax phenomenon is different, and obtaining them apparently will not be easy at all. Here is the complete list:

  • Charizard Gigamax
  • Meowth Gigamax
  • Pikachu Gigamax
  • Eevee Gigamax
  • Machamp Gigamax
  • Gengar Gigamax
  • Kingler Gigamax
  • Lapras Gigamax
  • Garbodor Gigamax
  • Corviknight Gigamax
  • Orbeetle Gigamax
  • Drednaw Gigamax
  • Coalossal Gigamax
  • Flapple Gigamax
  • Appletun Gigamax
  • Gigamax sandaconda
  • Centiskorch Gigamax
  • Hatterene Gigamax
  • Grimmsnarl Gigamax
  • Gigamax alms
  • Copperajah Gigamax
  • Duraludon Gigamax

These are the forms obtainable in the game, but we remind you that others have leaked thanks to a leak (which also enriches the Galéd Pokédex ). Among these we find:

  • Snorlax Gigamax
  • Melmetal Gigamax
  • Toxitricity Gigamax

Are you ready to have them all?

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