This copy of Windows is not genuine – How to fix

Do you want to fix error “This copy of Windows is not genuine”?

This copy of Windows is not authentic is the most common error message for most Windows users. Resolving the error “This copy of Windows is not authentic” is very easy.

We can get rid of this error with the command prompt or with a third-party application. Now I will show you two different ways to solve the error “This copy of Windows is not authentic”.

At we advise you to buy an original copy of Windows in order to solve the error in the best way.

Do you know why this happens? It happens when using a pirated copy of the Windows operating system. Let’s start the tutorial by talking about the first method with the command prompt.

We can get rid of this error with the command prompt or with a third-party application. Now I will show you two different ways to solve the error “This copy of Windows is not authentic”.

This copy of Windows is not genuine – How to fix

Method 1 – We use the Command Prompt to resolve “This copy of Windows is not authentic”

  1. On the keyboard, press the Win + R buttons.
  2. In the window that opens in the lower left corner enter “cmd”.
  3. In the window that opens, write “SLMGR -REARM”
  4. Wait no more than 30 seconds, you will see a dialog box with the words “Completed Successfully. Please Restart the system for the changes to take effect” and finally press OK.

The computer will reboot, and you’ll never see “This copy of Windows is not genuine”.

Note: disable automatic updates if you connect to the internet frequently.

Method 2 – Using Remove WAT to resolve “This copy of Windows is not authentic”

  1. Download Remove WAT Software from here.
  2. Once downloaded double click on it and run the .exe file and execute the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
  3. Immediately after installation, click on Remove WAT.

It takes 1-2 minutes to restart the PC. Once done, you are free from the error “This copy of Windows is not Genuine”.

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