Top 100 most common passwords

SplashData, a company that deals with computer security, as every year has drawn up the ranking of the worst 100 passwords used in 2017, that is the passwords most used by people on the internet.

The list of the 100 worst passwords of 2017, structured as a real ranking, was published just a few hours ago from the SplashData website.

From email accounts to social networks like Facebook and Instagram accounts, to mobile services such as banking and postal and music streaming, the average Internet user today has to remember an infinity of passwords.

So it happens that in an attempt to keep the situation under control, many people tend to rely on one password that is easy to remember but just as easy to guess, to the delight of hackers.

Among the most used passwords of 2017 there are many great classics, such as the timeless ” 123456 “, ” qwerty “, the same word ” password ” and not missing some fantasist who goes up to the number nine with ” 123456789 “.

It should be avoided upstream to choose passwords that are too easy. For example, our experts from Teknologya advise you not to use personal data such as their year of birth, favorite sport or the name of their child or partner. You must read our guide “How to Create Secure And Easy To Remember Passwords”.

Below we propose the ranking of the 100 most used passwords of 2017. Let’s find out your password:

S. No.	Password	S. No.	Password	S. No.  Password	S. No.	Password
1	1 2 3 4 5 6	26	654321	        51	fuckyou	         76	test
2	password	27	jordan23	52	nicole	         77	hockey
3	12345678	28	password1	53	hunter	         78	dallas
4	qwerty	        29	1234	        54	sunshine	 79	password
5	1 2 3 4 5	30	robert	        55	tigger	         80	fuckyouasshole
6	123456789	31	matthew	        56	1989	         81	admin123
7	letmein	        32	jordan	        57	merlin	         82	pussy
8	1234567	        33	asshole     	58	ranger           83	pass
9	football	34	daniel	        59	solo	         84	asdf
10	iloveyou	35	andrew	        60	banana	         85	william
11	admin	        36	lakers	        61	chelsea	         86	soccer
12	welcome	        37	andrea	        62	summer	         87	london
13	monkey	        38	buster	        63	1990	         88	1q2w3e
14	login	        39	joshwa	        64	1991	         89	1992
15	abc123	        40	1qaz2wsx	65	phoenix	         90	biteme
16	starwars	41	12341234	66	amanda	         91	maggie
17	123123	        42	ferrari	        67	cookie	         92	querty
18	dragon	        43	cheese	        68	ashley	         93	rangers
19	passw0rd	44	computer	69	bandit	         94	charlie
20	master's degree	45	corvette	70	killer	         95	martin
21	hello	        46	blahblah	71	meandyou	 96	ginger
22	freedom	        47	george	        72	pepper	         97	yankees
23	whatever	48	mercedes	73	jessica	         98	thunder
24	qazwsx	        49	121212	        74	zaq1zaq1	 99	Michelle
25	trustno1	50	maverick	75	jennifer	 100	aaaaaa

SplashData estimates that almost 10% of people used at least one of the 100 worst passwords in 2017 and almost 3% of people used the worst password ever, 123456.

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