Many possibilities are available when looking for an FTP service provider who benefits your business. You must be sure you’re employing the most important factors to make the greatest decision. You can look into providers like FORTRA, which can offer managed file transfer software for your business. However, you need to know the following features before looking for an FTP server provider.
In the current digital environment, ransomware assaults and cyber hacks are rising. If you don’t defend your assets against these dangers, your company could suffer expensive and negative repercussions. Therefore, it is imperative to look for an FTP server with cutting-edge features like solid passwords and specifics of data storage.
User Access
Many inferior FTP services lack the detailed user access controls that organizations require to guarantee data security and privacy. The solution should enable each user to log in using a unique password. You can make private and shared folders using FTP to monitor visibility. Additionally, it allows you to create permissions for particular folders to control access between various departments.
Multiple Access Methods
If your FTP server offers different access options, users can be productive from anywhere, which is advantageous for your business. You have more options for who is connecting to your site, how they are connecting, and where they are coming from, thanks to the ability to select from various conventional TCP/IP protocols.
Branding Possibilities
No matter which FTP server you select, you shouldn’t feel like you are on another company’s website. Choose a hosting company that lets you add your logo to the website. Your FTP Server needs features to ensure good branding functionality, such as Web UI customization, Exclusive IP Address, etc.
Scalability Feature
Your FTP solution must change as your business and technology do. This will allow the company to keep up the essential levels of productivity while saving money in the long term. It would be best to pick one with the characteristics of never-ending bandwidth, no cap on file sizes, and live upgrades and scalability features.
Wide-ranging Auditing
Businesses increasingly rely on reporting for day-to-day operations. Usage data, activity logs, and thorough reporting options are all features of an intelligent file-sharing solution. Sometimes having access to more thorough reports is advantageous. Reports can offer information to assist in managing users, projects, and other business-related factors.
Easy File Transfer
You’ll need a straightforward receive files functionality that makes it simple for anyone to post files. The feature will also help create new folders where you can accept files, then set up a link or personalized form that you can send to customers or business partners.
Engineering Assistance
Engineering assistance in file-sharing means having immediate access to the product engineers. Advanced assistance is crucial since you can be sure you’ll find solutions to the trickiest technological problems.
Since most of them are online, data management is becoming a priority for organizations. FTP service providers have been around for a while due to their excellent data management solutions and security services. Lookout for the above features when looking for an FTP server to easily integrate it into your business.