How to create a list of programs installed on your PC

Before formatting your computer hard drive for a fresh installation of Windows, you need to back up your files to restore them after formatting and installing Windows.

However, you also need to know which programs are installed on your computer before you can reinstall them after formatting the hard disk and installing Windows.

Of course you can write down the names of all programs installed on your PC, but in this article we will teach you a simpler way to create a list of all programs installed on your computer.

How to create a list of programs installed on your PC:

To create a list of programs installed on your PC we will use the free program GeekUninstaller, a portable uninstaller tool that lets you create a list of programs installed on your PC.

1. Download GeekUninstaller, extract the ZIP file to a folder and run the file “geek.exe”.

2. Click on the “File” menu and select “Export to HTML” or simply press “Ctrl + S”

3. Select the folder where to save the file, the file name and click “Save.”

4. Ready, the list of programs installed on the computer was created in HTML format.

5. You can open the HTML file using your favorite browser.

Now that you have the list of programs installed on your computer, include the file in your backup and after formatting your computer you can check the list to install all the programs you use.

In summary, there are other programs and other methods for you to create a list of programs installed on your computer, but the advantage of using Geek Uninstaller is that it is portable and very simple to use.

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