Tricks and Cheat codes for Red Dead Redemption 2

Looking for the tricks for Red Dead Redemption 2? Looking for codes and cheats for Red Dead Redemption 2? Here is the complete list!

Red Dead Redemption 2 Updated cheat codes

Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally released and many players have bought it on the very first day, also taking advantage of interesting discounts, offers and promotions of Amazon and other online stores.

If you have purchased the game and are looking for cheats and codes for Red Dead Redemption 2 in order to obtain infinite energyinfinite money, all weapons unlocked at the beginning and more, you’re in the right place!

Rockstar, in fact, is still one of the few software that allows, thanks to particular keystrokes, to get very interesting functions within the game, functions that as early allow you to have “super powers” and to get unlimited money, to immediately unblock all the weapons, to become immortal and so on.

So, if you too are also from those players who have more fun when they can activate tricks and cheats, do not waste time and let’s see how to activate all the tricks provided by the developers in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Important note

The cheat codes of Red Dead Redemption 2 are phrases that have various effects on the game.

To use them you must type the phrase in the appropriate place.

Once activated, the cheat will disable the saving and unlocking of the trophies.

Some of them are available from the beginning, while others need to be unlocked before you can use them. In particular, note that you can unlock some tricks simply by typing the required phrase in the cheat window in the menu (see below for details), but there are some tricks that require obtaining a specific edition of a newspaper.

In practice, the newspapers are used to unlock some tricks: you will need to have the relevant issue in your inventory to unlock the code.

But let’s proceed with the guide.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Tricks: Where to enter the codes?

To use the codes, follow these guidelines:

  • pause the game
  • Go to the settings menu
  • press triangle on PS4 (Y on Xbox) to open the cheat menu
  • you will get a list of tricks available with the levers that will allow you to activate them
  • if you press the triangle (or Y) again, you will be able to enter new codes, provided you know the phrases that unlock them

Be sure to always save your progress before activating a trick, so as not to ruin your save file.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Codes and Cheats List for PS4 and Xbox One

Here is a list of the tricks available at the moment. It will be updated periodically in case of news

Restore Health, Stamina and Dead Eye

Code to insert: You flourish before you die

You can recall your horse from any distance

Code: Better than my dog

Reach level 3 of the Dead Eye

Code: I shall be better

Journal: None

Reach level 5 of the Dead Eye

Code: I seek and I find

Make a racehorse spawn

Code: Run! Run! Run!

Make a horse drawn carriage wipe

Code: Keep your dreams simple

Become drunk instantly

Code: A fool on command

Unlimited ammo

Code: Abundance is the dullest desire

Newspaper: New Hanover Gazette No. 27 (Valentine, Chapter 1)

Unlock heavy weapons

Code: Greed is American Virtue

Newspaper: New Hanover Gazette No. 29 (Chapter 3)

Remove the fog by revealing the entire map

Code: You Long for Sight but See Nothing

Journal: The one available after the Feudi blood mission, Ancient and Modern, in chapter 3.

Increases health, stamina and dead eye

Code: You Seek More Than The World Offers

Journal: in update

Make a war horse spawn

Code: You are a beast built for war

Journal: in update

Make a circus wagon spawn

Code: Would you be happier as a clown?

Journal: in update

Increase your reputation level

Code: Virtue Unearned is not virtue

Journal: in update

That is all for the moment.

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