How to download GIFs from Twitter

Downloading GIFs from Twitter is quite simple and similar to the process of downloading videos. The same sites that download music and video also download the animations. However, some apps may help if you’re trying to do this on your mobile, for example. See four ways to download GIFs from the microblog.

Download Twitter GIF

The Download Twitter Video website has an identical version called Download Twitter GIF. To use, just do the same process to download the videos from the microblog.

  1. Access the site Download Twitter GIF;
  2. Copy the URL of the tweet from Twitter with the GIF you want to download;
  3. Paste the URL of the tweet into the site that contains the GIF you want to download;
  4. Click “Download MP4”;
  5. The GIF download will be done in video format, automatically.

Twitter Video Downloader

Another site that can help is the Twitter Video Downloader.

The process is the same and also downloads the GIF in video format.


On Android, the Tweet2GIF app saves both video (MP4) and GIF format.

Download Twitter GIFs without Applications, on PC

There is another way to download GIFs from Twitter without the help of any website or app.

  1. Copy the URL of the tweet;
  2. Open a new tab in your browser and paste the URL;
  3. Add “m” or “mobile” instead of “https://”;
  4. Press “Enter”, this will redirect you to the mobile version of Twitter;
  5. Click on the GIF and play on this new interface;
  6. Click with the right mouse button and select “Save video as”.
  7. The GIF will be saved as MP4.

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