How to find residents for your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

If you are looking for new personalities, know that it is possible to gather up to ten residents on your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There are two ways to get these so-called villagers: waiting for them to show up at the camp or visiting random islands with Nook Miles Ticket. Find out how to find them.

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Animal Crossing - New Horizons

Before everything…

Before looking for new residents, you need to complete some tasks proposed by Tom Nook. At the beginning of the game, each player starts with two more villagers, one of them has a more athletic personality while the other is the one with that older brother’s footprint.

During the development of the island, Tom Nook will ask the player to help with the construction of three new houses, to receive new residents. You will need to choose the location for each and prepare some items of furniture.

After these tasks, an expansion of the Residential Services tent will be made, the old tent will leave to make way for a larger building. From this point forward, Tom Nook will be responsible for taking care of the infrastructure of the site.

How to find villagers in Animal Crossing

After having the new Home Services building, Tom Nook will talk about building a campsite to occasionally welcome new people to the island. It will also be necessary to find a place for this space.

Animal Crossing - New Horizons campsite

After having the camp on the island, Tom Nook now offers the option to sell a piece of land. If the player pays the 10,000 Bells requested by the raccoon dog, he can place a new land that will receive a future home.

From there the search begins.

1. Expect visitors to the camp:

From time to time, Isabelle will inform you that there are visitors on the island, staying in the camp area – built earlier. If the player speaks to that visitor a few times, he may express an interest in moving to the island.

As long as land is available, that visitor may be the island’s new resident. You will need to wait until the next day’s announcement to find out if he has moved or not.

Animal Crossing - New Horizons plot available

Another way to bring visitors to the camp is to scan the amiibo, using the Nook Stop.

2. Visiting random islands:

In addition to the camp, one way to find new residents in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is to go after them on other islands. This process consists of:

  1. Purchase a Nook Miles Ticket at the Nook Stop, which is within Home Services;
  2. Go to the airport and travel to a random island using the Nook Miles Ticket;
  3. Talk to the villager you find on this island and encourage him to live on your island.

Animal Crossing - New Horizons invite visitor

It is not guaranteed that every island will have a villager. And again, if land is available, he can move. The news is given the next day, during Isabelle’s announcements.

How many residents can I have?

There are a maximum of 10 residents on the island and a variety of 383 different characters. Despite having so many animals to bring to the island, there are not that many personalities. Some can be repeated, the known ones are: the athlete, the older brother, the lazy, the snob, the smug, the irritated, the hyperactive and the normal.

When you reach the maximum number of villagers on the island, the only way to bring more is to wait for someone to leave.

And how to send residents away?

When a character is at the camp and expresses interest in moving to the island, he will say that there is no more space and ask if the player knows any residents who are interested in moving. Refer him to a villager and wait for the negotiation.

Another, more time-consuming way is to make the other character “sad” so that he feels like exploring other lifestyles around the world. The strategy is not to speak to this resident until a thought bubble is hovering over his head.

At that moment, he will be able to express an interest in visiting another place, just encourage him and he will leave in the next few days.

With information: IGN 12

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