Why Instagram not upload Stories With GIF And Stuck or crash? How to solve

Back again to talk about Instagram for Android, one of the most downloaded apps ever by the Play Store, but also one of those with more bugs and problems than ever. 

Just take a look through the comments and reviews left on the Instagram app for Android to see hundreds of thousands of negative comments from users who complain about an avalanche of bugs and problems afflicting the app.

And the incredible thing is that, although Instagram has an immense company behind it, developers ignore all these reviews, do not respond to user problems and above all do not correct the bugs now reported by hundreds of thousands of people.

I know it’s hard to believe, but it seems that the developers of Instagram prefer the version for iOS, which has none of the many bugs and problems reported by users in the version of Instagram for Android.

But after this brief introduction, we return to talk about Instagram for Android and its bugs.

Today in particular we will talk about the problem that has struck thousands of users in the world and that concerns the Stories of Instagram. 

It seems in fact that Instagram for Android does not allow many users to upload, publish and share photos and videos with GIFs within the Stories. 

GIF loading problems in Instagram Stories: what happens?

Reading the reviews of the Instagram app on the Play Store, I read tons of comments like these:

  • Instagram does not upload stories with GIF
  • Instagram issue “Uploading in progress” in the Stories with GIF
  • loading problems with GIF in Instagram Stories
  • Since the GIFs have been introduced in the Stories of Instagram, the loading of the Stories remains the firm to turn forever, until I delete and install the app from scratch
  • I can not share photos or videos containing GIFs in Instagram Stories. A thousand reports. A thousand updates. I tried everything. It works very badly and you never solve anything. Useless updates
  • Now it is impossible for me to publish a story that contains a video or a GIF: if I do it, it not only does not load, but also prevents the subsequent upload of any other photo or video
  • For months I have not uploaded videos or GIFs in the stories, I have reported the thing several times and never an answer
  • On Galaxy S7 Edge Instagram does not upload stories with GIF
  • It does not make me post some kind of stories like GIF
  • Stories do not work correctly, especially if you try to insert GIFs
  • If I put the GIFs in the Stories do not publish them, it remains a black screen with the word “Upload in progress”
  • I can not upload stories with GIFs. At a certain point it freezes and I can no longer erase the story
  • It is not yet possible to load GIF or videos in the Stories, every time it hangs and I have to delete the data to go back to make it work
  • Endless publishing if I try to upload videos in stories or just photos with GIF
  • Samsung S7 with the addition of GIF doesn’t publish the Stories. It remains in charge for 24 hours and then disappears
  • As soon as I try to add a GIF to the story, it crashes and does not allow me to publish anymore! So I have to uninstall the app to delete the post
  • After the Oreo update, the GIFs block the stories by not allowing them to be uploaded
  • When I want to publish a story with a GIF, I do not publish it but it stops for 24 hours
  • For some ‘time when I create the Stories and add animated GIF I get stuck and for the next 24 hours (expire the history blocked) I can not create other
  • For months I can not insert photos with emoticons attached and with the GIFs in the stories … the screen remains black with written publication in progress … it’s always been months that I report the problem but nothing

And I could go on for hours with comments like these.

The problem is simple: when a user tries to publish a story on Instagram (photo or video) and inside it inserts a GIF, the story is not loaded and hangs on a black screen.

The message “publication in progress” or “loading in progress” continues to appear, the screen becomes black and at the end the story is not uploaded to Instagram.

As I anticipated, the problem afflicts many Instagram users for Android, regardless of smartphone or operating system. 

The problem becomes even more serious because, when the Story to be uploaded to Instagram crashes, the program does not allow you to delete it or remove it. 

In practice for 24 hours the story with GIF that is stuck on Instagram is still there, and the user can not do anything, can not upload or publish other stories, can not do anything for 24 hours, until History expires and then you can go back to publish Stories on Instagram again.


Too bad that the problem is really widespread and that many users are looking for a solution, which certainly does not come from Instagram. 

You do not need to update the Instagram app

If you can not share photos or videos with GIF in the Stories of Instagram, a solution could be to update the Instagram app to the latest version via the Play Store.

In fact it seems that, even updating Instagram, things do not change. It is always impossible to publish, upload and share photos or videos with GIF on Stories within Instagram. 

Writing to developers is not necessary

If you can not post Stories with GIF on Instagram, it is useless to waste time writing to developers.

Now hundreds of people have done it, the developers of Instagram know very well this bug/problem, they simply do not know or do not want to solve it. 

If when you try to insert GIF in the Stories of Instagram the app crashes, try other solutions: writing to developers is useless, it’s just lost of time.

Needless to close and reopen Instagram

You do not even need to try closing and reopening Instagram, or restarting the phone.

The story with GIF that is stuck is still there, with a black screen, and the message “publication in progress”. But in reality nothing will happen for 24 hours. And you will not be able to upload or post more photos.

Infinite publication if I try to load GIFs in Instagram Stories: here are SOLUTIONS

If you also came across this super annoying problem of Instagram for Android, below I’ll explain how to solve it in the easiest and fastest way possible.

In fact, I will provide you with various solutions: try them all and let me know if you can solve the problem.

IMPORTANT: before proceeding, be sure to remember your username and password to access Instagram!

If when you try to add or insert GIF to your Instagram Story the app crashes and does not let you upload, try these solutions:

  1. Exit Instagram. Disconnect your data connection or WiFi. Come back to Instagram and try to see if the history that was blocked is now gone or is still there (and therefore does not allow you to publish other stories). If it is still present, you can try to delete it manually by pressing the dedicated button
  2. If solution 1 did not work, let’s try this one. Go to Settings on your Android smartphone and then go to: Apps> Application list> Instagram. From here, click on the item Memory> Clear Data and then Delete Cache.
  3. If the problem does not solve even with the solution 2, the most drastic is this: uninstall Instagram and install it from scratch from the Play Store.

I am sure that with at least one of these solutions you have solved the problem of the Stories of Instagram that are continually blocking when you try to publish the GIFs in the photos and videos.

Unfortunately with this guide I can only explain how to “unlock” the history of Instagram that is blocked with a black screen and message “publication in progress”.

In fact, to date, there are no solutions to prevent the problem from occurring. We can only wait and hope that the developers of Instagram will make a move to avoid the problem of GIFs in Instagram Stories continue to be so present and so annoying for many users.

Until the problem is not solved by Instagram, I advise you to stop publishing Stories with GIF inside.

If you do and the Stories are blocked, thanks to our instructions you can still put a temporary patch to the problem and continue to use the Instagram Stories without having to wait 24 hours.

I hope I helped you solve the problem of Instagram Stories that stop when you upload GIFs with photos or videos.

Our other Interesting Guide on Instagram :


2 thoughts on “Why Instagram not upload Stories With GIF And Stuck or crash? How to solve”

  1. This article describes EXACTLY my frustration, thank you!
    I had an iphone which was great for Instagram but recently inherited a Samsung and it’s great in some ways and annoying as all hell in others.
    I had to continually delete the app and reinstall it, but now I know how to clear the data, it has helped. It still sucks to not be able to use gifs though!

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