JUMP FORCE : List of Trophies and Achievements

On the occasion of the release of Jump Force, we decided to make things easier with this list of trophies/objectives (the game is available on PlayStation 4, but also on Xbox One and PC ). Clearly the subdivision between bronze, silver, gold and platinum only applies to the PS4 version of the game. The trophies linked to the story are secret, but reading this list the only spoiler you get is the number of chapters, nothing else.

Here is the list:

Bronze trophies:

  • The seeds of evil: complete chapter 1.
  • The bad guy: complete chapter 2.
  • The mysterious woman: complete chapter 3.
  • A sinister plan: complete chapter 4.
  • Replicants: complete chapter 5.
  • The cruel circle: complete chapter 6.
  • Creation: complete chapter 7.
  • The puppeteer: complete chapter 8.
  • Warrior Apprentice: You have completed a free mission on an easy level at least once.
  • Unequaled knight: You have completed a free mission at a normal level at least once.
  • Veteran Fighter: You have completed a free mission on a difficult level at least once.
  • At the top of the world: you have completed a free mission at a very difficult level at least once.
  • At the edge of combat: you have completed a free expert-level mission at least once.
  • The battle of dreams: you have completed an extra mission at least once.
  • I’m just heating up!: You brought an avatar at level 10 or beyond.
  • Union!: You have brought 10 support characters to level 10 or beyond.
  • Improvement Apprentice: You have improved the Improvement Station one or more times.
  • Master of improvement: you have made at least 50 improvements to the improvement station.
  • Fashion Guru: You’ve got at least 50 pieces of avatar clothing.
  • Title Lord: You’ve got at least 50 titles.
  • Emperor of the techniques: you’ve got at least 50 techniques.
  • Master of modifiers: you have obtained at least 30 technical modifiers.
  • J skill specialist: you’ve got at least 50 J skills
  • Master of Support Skills: You’ve got at least 50 support skills.
  • The battle begins: you have won a match ranked at least once.
  • On the curtain: you won a friendly match at least once.
  • United we fight: you have participated in at least 30 battles online.
  • Did something nice happen?: you’ve got 10 or more items.
  • Challenger: You have challenged other players at least 10 times.
  • Donor: you used 1,000,000 gold or more.
  • Rich breakthrough: you’ve got 1,000,000 gold or more.
  • Create an army: record the characters in all the pre-set team slots.
  • Fight for your friends: you used 10 or more consumables.
  • Friendship Ties: You’ve got 500 PA or more to equip support skills.
  • The fruits of friendship: you got 1000 PA or more to equip support skills.
  • The party has just begun: you have used 10 or more emote.

Silver trophies:

  • Neodiplomato: you have obtained the S degree at least 10 times on free missions at an easy level.
  • Warrior born: you have obtained the S degree at least 10 times on free missions at the normal level.
  • Expert warrior: you have obtained the S degree at least 10 times on free missions on a difficult level.
  • The way of greatness: you have obtained the S degree at least 10 times on free missions at a very difficult level.
  • Presentation: you have completed at least 100 different free missions.
  • Point to the summit: you have brought an avatar at level 70 or beyond.
  • Reliable companions: You have brought 10 support characters to level 70 or beyond.
  • Our links: you have participated in at least 100 battles online.
  • Good star: get 1000 or more items.
  • Spirit of brotherhood: you used 50 or more consumable items.
  • Fanfare: you used 100 or more emote.

Gold Trophies:

  • Light and shadow: complete chapter 9.
  • God of the fight : you have obtained the S degree at least 10 times in free missions at expert level.

Platinum Trophy:

  • Jump Force: get all the trophies.

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