Legendary Pokémon in Sword and Shield: where to find them

How to catch Zamacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus and all the legendaries in Pokémon Sword and Shield: that’s where to find them and how to capture them.

Legendary Pokémon in Sword and Shield: how to get them and where to find them

There is no Pokémon game without legendary, and Sword and Shield are no exception: on the cover we have in fact Zamacian and Zamazenta, but they are not the only rare and powerful Pokémon to be found within the Nintendo Switch title. Where can you find these legendary and powerful creatures and what needs to be done to capture them throughout history?

Having the legendary Pokémon is essential to complete the Galar Pokédex, which has over 400 monsters. In Spada and Scudo there are no such rare creatures, with the exception of some more common Pokémon but subject to the climate present within the Savage Lands. In total we have EternatusZamacianZamazenta and Mew (at the moment there is no mysterious Pokémon present within this generation).

Here is a quick guide on where to find them and the best strategies to take to capture them.

Sword and Shield Pokémon: how to capture Eternatus

It is the first case in the history of Pokémon games that the third legendary is captured before the one on the cover. Capturing Eternatus is in fact part of the main story of Spada and Scudo.

You will meet the fearsome Pokémon in fact immediately after solving the storyline of President Rose, when with Hop you will go to the rescue of the champion Dandel (seriously put in difficulty by the creature of type dragon/poison). tufanbeyli escort

The fight against Eternatus will take place in two parts: the first with its normal form, the second with the Dynamax one (which sees its appearance change into a gigantic hand/harpoon in a nebulous vortex). The second part will be a real Raid fight with two exceptional companions: Zacian and Zamazenta. All you have to do is defeat the creature, and then watch its automatic capture by launching a giant Dynamax Poké Ball.

Sword and Shield Pokémon: how to capture Zacian and Zamazenta

First of all a premise: depending on the version of the game you will be able to take home only one of the two legendaries on the respective cover. To have the opposite between Zacian and Zamazenta you will necessarily have to resort to an exchange.

The Pokémon Sword and the Pokémon Shield will only be captured at the end of your journey, when you have obtained the title of Champion of Galar. Once the main part of the game is over, all you have to do is go to Bosco Assopito, where you will find Hop and the two brothers of legends. The two, after a brief struggle, will escape with the relics of the legend and will force you into a long search characterized by different challenges up to the definitive struggle.

Zacian or Zamazenta, according to your version, will have to be addressed: do not be afraid to cause them the KO, because immediately after having done so you will be able to capture them (they are two legendary creatures with a high rate of escape from the Pokéball, that’s why better to play it safe by using the previously unlocked Master Ball, which guarantees instant capture).

Sword and Shield Pokémon: where to find Mew

We have dedicated an in-depth article to Mew apart, although suffice it to say that to have the first generation mysterious Pokémon you must have a Pokéball Plus never used before to transfer the creature to a previous title (in this case, Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee ).

Are there only these legendaries? For the moment the answer is yes: in fact, new unpublished creatures have not been found in Galar’s Pokédex, which according to the dataminer seems to be destined to be expanded with the legendary seventh generation coming directly from Alola (Solgaleo, Lunala, Marshadow, Necrozma, Zeraora, Meltan and Melmetal) and Mewtwo, coming directly from Kanto. However, there are no updates in this regard.

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