Moto G7 Power good for gaming or not : Let’s find out

The Moto G7 Power arrives equipped with Snapdragon 632 processor, octa-core, with 1.8GHz clock, 4GB memory and 64GB storage. The battery is 5000 mAh and it runs Android 9.0 Foot. The screen resolution applied was HD, since the maximum resolution of the device is 1520×720.

The list of games we are going to test is:

  • Asphalt 9
  • Ark: Survival Evolved
  • Arena of Valor
  • Free Fire
  • Ganstar 4
  • PES 2019
  • PUBG
  • Mortal Kombat X

Moto G7 Power Asphalt 9?

The first game analyzed was Asphalt 9, and no more the 8 because the staff in the comments said that it runs well on all phones, we decided from now on to take the 9 as base, the graphics were set to the maximum, as well we’ve used all of the tests in this game so far. The Moto G7 Power kept all 29 frames at 90% stability. The battery consumption during the test was average of 742mA. This means that in Moto G7 Power you will have approximately 6 hours and 40 minutes of battery life to play Asphalt 9. In this period the average use of the processor was 9.3% and the memory 918MB. In terms of data usage, it downloaded 12MB and uploaded 600KB.

Asphalt 9 Report:

  • 29FPS – 90%
  • Processor: 9.3%
  • Memory: 918MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 742mA
  • Battery life: 6h 40min
  • Download: 12MB
  • Upload: 600KB

You can play Asphalt 9 in Moto G7 Power with maximum graphics for almost 7 hours the game until the battery is over. With graphics at least it takes 29 frames with 95% stability.

Arena of Valor in Moto G7?

The second game analyzed was the Arena of Valor. The game ran at 30 FPS average maintaining 100% stability, using on average 7% of processor and 741MB of memory. Only 26KB of data was downloaded and 51KB uploaded. Its battery life is 8h7min, with an average consumption of 607mA.

Report of Arena of Valor:

  • 30FPS – 100%
  • Processor: 7%
  • Memory: 741MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 607mA
  • Battery life: 8h 07min
  • Download: 26KB
  • Upload: 51KB

You can play Arena of Valor in Moto G7 Power freely.

ARK: Survival Evolved?

The third game analyzed was ARK: Survival Evolved, it’s heavy. During our test, it used 16% of processor, consumed 772MB of memory, downloaded 14KB and uploaded 9KB. It ran at 24FPS with 70% stability, and used 860mA of battery. The autonomy is 5 hours and 48 minutes. The graphics have been set to the minimum and resolution in the game set to the minimum as well.

ARK Report: Survival Evolved

  • 24FPS – 70%
  • Processor: 16%
  • Memory: 772MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 860mA
  • Battery life: 5h 48min
  • Download: 14KB
  • Upload: 9KB

ARK: Survival Evolved DOES NOT RUN in Moto G7 Power, the game lives with low frames and is not a legal experience.

Free Fire?

The third game analyzed was Free Fire. The game ran at 60 FPS average maintaining 97% stability, using on average 14% of processor and 773MB of memory. Only 2.4MB of data was downloaded and 2MB uploaded. Its battery life is 6h30min, with an average consumption of 773mA.

Free Fire Report:

  • 60FPS – 97%
  • Processor: 14%
  • Memory: 773MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 773mA
  • Battery life: 6h 30min
  • Download: 2.4MB
  • Upload: 2MB

Free fire runs SMOOTHLY in Moto G7 Power. It went very well during the tests and ran as well, if not better than the G7 Plus, possibly because in Free Fire we can not adjust the resolution setting, so it used HD as a base.

Gangstar 4?

The fourth game is Gangstar 4. It used 8% processor, consumed 547MB of memory, downloaded 3.8MB and uploaded 340KB. It ran at 30FPS with 97% stability, and used 649mA of battery. The autonomy is 7 hours and 42 minutes.

Gangster 4 Report:

  • 30FPS – 97%
  • Processor: 8%
  • Memory: 547MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 649mA
  • Battery life: 7h 42min
  • Download: 3.8MB
  • Upload: 340KB

Gangstar 4 runs SMOOTHLY in Moto G7 Power. The game was set to run with the graphics at least as well as the Moto G7 Plus, which also rolled smooth.

PES 2019?

Moto G7 Power made only 14FPS with 91% stability on PES 2019. Using an average of 16% processor and only 684MB of memory. During the game were downloaded 10KB of data and uploaded 10KB, the average consumption of 843mA of the battery resulted in the autonomy of 5h and 50min.

PES 2019 report:

  • 14FPS – 91%
  • Processor: 16%
  • Memory: 684MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 843mA
  • Battery life: 5h 50min
  • Download: 10KB
  • Upload: 10KB

PES 2019 DOES NOT ROLL in the Moto G7 Power. With graphics at most as well as other tests. Graphics at least it got 20 FPS. Let’s re-examine the tests even with plugged charger, but did not change the frame rate.


The sixth game analyzed was PUBG. The processor had average use of 14% and memory of 752MB. During the game were downloaded 3MB of data and 4MB upload. PUBG ran with 42FPS, and stability of 78%, with graphics at minimum and frame rate high. Remembering that by external settings, PUBG we can run with FULL HD resolution, even in HD screen, to maintain the same line of tests of the other devices. It would be unfair for a smartphone to run in HD and have a better score than another that runs on FULLHD. The battery life is 5 hours and 30 minutes, and the average consumption was 888mA.

PUBG Report:

  • 42FPS – 78%
  • Processor: 14%
  • Memory: 752MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 888mA
  • Battery life: 5h 30min
  • Download: 3MB
  • Upload: 4MB

PUBG RUNS in the Moto G7 Power with the graphic quality to a minimum. With the standard resolution it equalized stability better, running at 45 frames and 90% stability.

Mortal Kombat X?

The last game on the list is Mortal Kombat X. It used 7% of processor, consumed 727MB of memory, downloaded 130KB and uploaded 90KB. It ran at 59FPS with 84% stability, and used 597mA of battery. The autonomy is 8 hours and 22 minutes.

Mortal Kombat X Report:

  • 59FPS – 84%
  • Processor: 7%
  • Memory: 727MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 597mA
  • Battery life: 8h 22min
  • Download: 130KB
  • Upload: 90KB

Mortal Kombat X RUNS in the Moto G7 Power, just was not classified as smooth, because stability was compromised. The game has been set to run with the graphics at a minimum.


In the conclusion of the Smooth Wheel in Moto G7 Power, we can say that the smartphone suffered to run some games. To have more battery it was evident that it had more autonomy, however, consumed battery similar to the G7 Plus.

In short, yes the Moto G7 Power WHEELS the games. Graphics quality needs to be set to the minimum so you can have a reasonable flow to run the games well. PES 2019 that surprised me to negative.

So, did you like our test of Moto G7 Power games?

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