Is Moto X4 good for high-end games or not

Here in the test of Teknologya, you will see if the smartphone can achieve a minimum amount of FPS, which resolution and graphic quality, and show battery life, in the final report, the cell phone will be sorted if it does not play games, or run smoothly.

The list of games we are going to test is:

  • Asphalt 8
  • Free Fire
  • PES 2019
  • PUBG
  • Subway Surf

Motorola Moto X4 is good for gaming?

The Moto X4, phone launched in 2017 with Snapdragon 630 with 8 cores, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage, currently running Android Pie. Its screen is FULLHD.

Does Moto X4 run Asphalt 8?

The first game analyzed was the Asphalt 8, a racing game, caught in the 30FPS. The Moto X4 kept all 30 frames at 95% stability. Battery consumption for 16 minutes averaged 544mA.

This means that in Moto X4 you will have approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes of battery life to play Asphalt 8. In this period the average use of the processor was 6.7% and the memory was 545MB. In terms of data usage, it downloaded 10MB and uploaded 2.4MB.

Asphalt Report 8:

  • Asphalt 8
  • 30FPS: 95%
  • Processor: 6.70%
  • Memory: 545MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 544mA
  • Battery life: 05h 30min
  • Download: 10000MB
  • Upload: 2400MB

Asphalt 8 runs smoothly on Moto X4, with graphics at maximum and you can play for 5 hours and a half the game until the battery is over. At

Does Moto X4 run Free Fire?

The second game analyzed was the Free Fire. The game ran at 56 FPS average maintaining 90% stability, using on average 16.6% of processor and 640MB of memory. Only 11MB of data and 1.3MB upload were downloaded. Its battery life is 3h25min, with an average consumption of 867mA.

Free Fire Report:

  • Free Fire
  • 56FPS: 90%
  • Processor: 16.60%
  • Memory: 640MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 867mA
  • Battery life: 03h 25min
  • Download: 11000MB
  • Upload: 1300MB

Free fire does not run in the Moto X4, had falls of frames, the smartphone heated enough during two matches, about 40 minutes. It just did not pass our test, because there were falls during battles, probably due to the heating of the device.

Moto X4 runs PES 2019?

In 2019, we started testing PES 2019 and not 2018. We traded a 30FPS game for another 30FPS game to keep the same report. The Moto X4 kept 29FPS during the test.

It was 94% stability, using on average 11.4% processor and only 374MB of memory. The game downloaded 3.1MB data and uploaded 1.2MB, the average consumption of 521mA of the battery resulted in the autonomy of 5h and 45min.

PES 2019 report:

  • PES 2019
  • 29FPS: 94%
  • Processor: 11.40%
  • Memory: 374MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 521mA
  • Battery life: 05h 45min
  • Download: 3100MB
  • Upload: 1200MB

Yes, PES 2019 runs smoothly on Moto X4, and you can play for 5 hours and 45 minutes.

Moto X4 runs PUBG?

The fourth game analyzed was PUBG. The processor had average use of 13.8% and memory of 760MB. The game downloaded 4.1MB of data and uploaded 3.7MB. PUBG ran only at 41 FPS with 92% stability, with graphics at minimum and frame rate high. It can run with graphics in the middle, but then the frames average 20FPS and stability below 75%. The battery life is 3 hours and 20 minutes, and the average consumption was 885mA.

PUBG Report:

  • PUBG
  • 41FPS: 92%
  • Processor: 13.80%
  • Memory: 760MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 885mA
  • Battery life: 03h 20min
  • Download: 4100MB
  • Upload: 3700MB

PUBG Runs in Moto X4, with graphics at least. With the charts in the middle DOES NOT ROLL, and graphics at most were not available. The 41 frames had some falls in the middle of cities, but it was bearable. The game can reach 60FPS, but playing at 41 fps is not chaos.

Subway Surfer?

The last game on the list is Subway Surfer. During our test, it used 13% processor, consumed 354MB of memory, downloaded 3MB and uploaded 1MB. It ran at 60FPS with 99% stability, and used 568mA of battery. The autonomy is 5h and 20 minutes. Unlike past tests, the game did not use that much network.

Subway Surfer Report:

  • 60FPS: 99%
  • Processor: 13.00%
  • Memory: 354MB
  • Battery consumption: ~ 568mA
  • Battery life: 05h 20min
  • Download: 3000MB
  • Upload: 1000MB

YES, Subway Surf runs smoothly on Moto X4 and it will be possible to run for more than 3 hours.


In the conclusion of the Smoothly run in the Moto X4, we can say that the smartphone has run most of the games. The smartphone had heat, reports have shown that the processor went from 55° C. This warming is the reason for the dropping of frames in some games, thus lowering their stability.

When a smartphone heats up, it lowers the processor’s frequency to cool it down, so with less “power” it ends up losing the frames that ultimately decreases the stability achieved.

In short, yes the Moto X4 runs, but avoid prolonged gambling. The longer your smartphone is warm, the more it will mainly compromise the battery.

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