Preparation strategy derived from SSC CGL Syllabus

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) holds the yearly Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) to recruit for the Group B and Group C posts. Thousands of candidates appear for the examination every year. However, cracking the exam on the very first try is no easy task. Therefore, the individuals interested in appearing for the exams must have the proper preparation. This article includes an appropriate preparation strategy that is done based on the CGL syllabus.

Before drawing the preparation strategy, it is essential to gather every little detail about the various tiers and their syllabus. Here goes the four tiers of CGL examination and their syllabus-

Tier 1 Exam Pattern

Sl. no.Subjects Number of QuestionsTotal Marks
1.General Knowledge and Reasoning2550
2.General Awareness2550
3.Quantitative Aptitude2550
3.English Comprehension2550

Preparation strategy for Tier 1

According to the CGL syllabus, General Knowledge and Reasoning may include space visualization, analysis, visual memory, decision making, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, problem-solving, concepts related to relationships, and so on. For this part, the candidates should-

  • Apply logic in deduction
  • Read the problems carefully and take time

General Awareness tests a candidate’s knowledge about the surroundings. Currents events get importance in this part. For this part, the candidates should-

  • Build the habit of reading newspapers on a daily basis
  • Keep track of the local, national and international occurring. Making notes on such matters can be helpful
  • Follow the CGL syllabus completely

General Awareness is a vast topic, which means it will take more time to cover everything. Candidates are advised to start with the basics and grow slowly.

Quantitative Aptitude includes the topics which have the difficulty level of 10th standard. This part of the CGL syllabus may seem very easy, and candidates may become overconfident. However, the candidates should-

  • Learn all the topics and revise them regularly
  • Take help from the textbooks of class 9, 10, 11 and 12

The English Comprehension part of the CGL syllabus verifies the candidates’ ability to understand and write English. The difficulty level in this part will match the graduation level. For this part, one should-

  • Focus on the vocabulary
  • Strengthen their knowledge on basic grammar
  • Read comprehensions

Tips For Exams

Tier 2 Exam Pattern

Sl. no.SubjectsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksAllotted Time(In hours)
1.Quantitative Ability1002002
2.English Language and Comprehension2002002
4.General Studies (Finance and Economics)1002002

Preparation strategy for Tier 2

Quantitative Abilities referred in the CGL syllabus is set to test the numeric sense of the candidates. This paper may include whole numbers, decimals, fractions, averages, profit and loss, ratio, proportion, and so on. Therefore the candidate must-

  • Practise every topic of mathematics
  • Do practise test
  • Check the results after every test to verify the preparation
  • Make notes of the mistakes and try to focus more on them

Similar to Tier 1, the English Language and Comprehension paper of Tier 2 is set to examine the candidates’ hold over English Language and Comprehension. Therefore, the candidates must-

  • Enrich their vocabulary
  • Practise grammar on a regular basis
  • Invest time in reading and understanding the English language

Statistics include various aspects of statistical data, dispersion, central tendency, correlation and multiple theories. This subject is only for those candidates who have applied for the post of Statistical Investigator. For this part, the candidates must-

  • Learn and practise the formula
  • Study theories such as the theories of Probability, Variance Analysis and Sampling
  • Take help from the textbooks of standards 10, 11 and 12

As per the CGL syllabus, the General Studies have two parts. The first part is the Finance which is of 80 marks and the second is Economics which is of 120 marks. For this subject, the candidates must-

  • Learn about economics and business by reading newspapers
  • Study the textbooks of 10th, 11th and 12th standards.

Tier 3 Exam Pattern

SubjectTotal MarksAllotted Time (in hours)
Descriptive Paper (English/Hindi)1001

Preparation Strategy for Tier 3

This tier only includes a descriptive paper to be written in English or Hindi. Different forms of writing skills are included in the CGL syllabus for this tier. For this paper, the candidates must-

  • Practise writing in the language they are interested in
  • Learn the formats of essays, applications, letters, precis and so on

Tier 4 Exam Pattern

SubjectAllotted Time (in minutes)
Data Entry Speed Test15
Computer Proficiency Test15

Preparation Strategy For Tier 4

In the CGL syllabus, Tier 4 is stated to be a skill test. This stage is for testing the skills of the candidates. This test may include Data Entry Speed Test and Computer Proficiency Test. The candidates must-

  • Practise and increase typing speed
  • Learn word processing, spreadsheets and generation of slides.

Two Important factors

  • Time management

Tier I and 2 contain objective type questions. On the other hand, Tier 3 is descriptive. The candidates need to learn time management. The proper strategy will be to answer practice question papers and note down the time. This strategy will allow the candidates to increase their speed.

  • Negative markings

In the 2019 SSC CGL Examination negative markings will be a big challenge for the candidates. In Tier 1, 2 and 4 0.50 marks and in tier 4 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer. Therefore, answering the questions by only guessing will not be a good idea.

The Preliminary Exam of CGL 2019 is set to start on 2nd March 2020. Tier 2 and 3 will start on 22nd June 2020 and will continue simultaneously till 25th June 2020.

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