SEO strategies for WordPress: here are the mistakes to avoid

Negative SEO Strategies – In a previous article I exposed what are the main rules to follow for proper indexing and good positioning of your website or blog. Here, instead, mentioning the fact that the lack of results or, worse still, the worsening of the positioning of a website on search engines could be the consequence of penalizations due to the adoption of SEO strategies to be avoided absolutely, because they come considered as “incorrect” behavior by search engine policies.

In this article, therefore, we will briefly summarize the SEO behaviors to avoid in order to avoid penalties ranging from penalization in the ranking to total exclusion (ban) from the search results.

Certain strategies used to make SEO were once useful, but at any moment they are no longer liked by Google and so if you do, the site will be penalized in search engines and the ranking of your site will be damaged. In fact, after the latest Google updates, there are some SEO strategies to be avoided at all costs. Do you want to know what they are? Continue reading, I will list them in detail in this post.

Today I continue to talk to you about SEO and I do it first by suggesting you watch an interesting video posted on YouTube by Google which echoes a presentation of Mountain View shared on Google Presentations. Both resources summarize the 5 SEO errors that must be avoided for the success of a correct positioning strategy.

If you do not know, the process called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) aims to improve the visibility of a web page or a site on search engines. Through a series of algorithms, various parameters are checked, for example the keywords or the quality of the content, to ensure that the ranking of quality websites increases in search engines.

If before these algorithms could be “around” easily, now things are a bit’ different. With the introduction of Google’s Panda and Penguin (now Penguin 3.0) updates, the ranking of many sites has plummeted, because such updates check for the presence of old SEO strategies to be avoided, that is, the following ones. But let’s go in concrete seeing what are the old SEO techniques to avoid in order not to incur penalties.

SEO errors to avoid absolutely: the old and negative SEO strategies for your website or blog

Do not use too many Keywords

The use of keywords is the most appropriate and simple way to increase the ranking of a website, but we must not exaggerate to insert the keywords, because too many words will penalize the website; by now Google’s algorithms are so intelligent that they can understand if a user is making good use of the keywords or not.

Avoid Keyword stuffing

Excessive and redundant use of keywords within the title, meta tags or page content are already negative. The keyword stuffing is considered even more serious, because we use the keywords not relevant to the content of the page and that could, therefore, mislead the search engines in their activity of recognition and indexing of the pages.

You can work on the keywords you use on your website with the following tool: Google Keyword Tool

Do not use the Doorways

The doorways are pages of low value optimized for specific keywords that have as their purpose is to be well positioned in the SERP in order to “capture” the user, and even more fundamental, to redirect to other pages of the site.

Do not insert hidden contents

Many webmasters, in order to increase their positioning, are used to insert phrases and/or links hidden from users but recognizable by search engines; this is possible, for example, through the use of CSS or, more simply, by writing text of the same color as the background of the page;

Do not copy the contents

Do not copy content from any other website to anything in the world, Google’s algorithms will notice it quickly and your website will never grow in this way; take inspiration from other websites but do not copy anything at all. In essence, it is a matter of respecting the copyright rule.

Do not generate automatic content

Another practice discouraged for SEO use software for automatic text generation for the sole purpose of promoting certain keywords. Sometimes they are often random text paragraphs that make no sense to the reader but can contain keywords or texts “captured” by other sites via RSS feeds and recomposed through simple logic of keyword spamming;

Avoiding the exchange of Link (or Link Building)

This incorrect SEO technique called Link Building or link exchange was useful until 2005, from that moment on it is no longer used by anyone; it is a technique to avoid in order not to be penalized by Google and by search engines in general, also because it is useless.

Do not register for Article Directory

These tools allow you to publish an article with a direct link to your website; to say the truth is not a bad idea but it is not recommended because many directories are not frowned upon by search engines and therefore both the directories and the websites inserted inside will be penalized.

Visit this page if you want to have some SEO advice and know what are the main rules for a proper SEO necessary for better indexing of your website or blog in search engines: SEO Tips here are the main rules.


The ones you just read in this article are really the SEO strategies to avoid because they penalize the positioning of a website. Do not get caught up in temptation, these techniques could harm your site and damage the ranking achieved with so much hard work.

If you have other negative SEO strategies to report based on your experience write your comment in the comments box.

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