In some long-ago university class, I remember learning that technology has advanced more rapidly in the past century than ever before. An expert – I can’t remember who – estimated that throughout history, life-changing advances happened about once in a generation.
Fire, the wheel, metal hand tools, bow and arrows, steel, siege engines, irrigation, horse-drawn implements – in each case, plenty of time passed to allow the population to get used to using a new invention before they assimilated another.
Today, however, technology advances at a rapid pace. Most Millennials have observed the shift from VHS tapes, cassettes, and floppy disks to CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and later MP3s and digital streaming. According to Moore’s law, computer processing speeds double every 18 months.
How is one to keep up? First, we’ll take a look at why you should keep pace with technology. Then, we’ll consider a few ways to do so.

Why Keep Up with Changing Technology?
Here are a few reasons why you should be interested in keeping up with technology.
- It looks good on your CV. Filling your skills section, certifications section, job descriptions, and hobbies and interests section with the latest software, hardware, and coding languages can give your CV a boost. Especially if you are well along in your career, it proves that you are continually learning and you will never be outmoded by younger, tech-driven competitors.
Check out this link to learn more about how to build a CV.
- Some careers require it. While tech-savviness always looks good on your CV, some positions absolutely require it. For example, if you work in information security, web development, or computer programming, the need to keep pace with technological advances is obvious.
In other fields such as medicine, staying abreast of the latest advancements can even save lives. And no matter what field you are in, you may find yourself needing to use laptops, tablets, smartphones, or whatever comes next to communicate with your team or complete your duties efficiently.
- It makes learning new technologies easier. Learning begets learning. When we’re in the habit of taking in information, grasping new skills comes naturally.
How to Stay Abreast of Advancing Technology
Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new technologies that hit the shelves every year. The good news is, you don’t have to master it all. Considering the following tips will help you be ready to tackle the technologies you are required to or prefer to embrace.
You don’t have to purchase every new device or spend hours mastering every software package. But reading about these technologies will help you to stay aware of what’s available and understand the terminology.
You can stay up-to-date on the latest technology by following tech news websites. Many news feeds, such as those provided by Google, will automatically adapt over time based on your searches and what articles you click on.
Don’t Be Afraid to Play
Some users are afraid to play with new devices. While this might be a valid concern with some highly specialised, intricate machinery, it is not so when it comes to your PC, tablet, or smartphone.
Push buttons to see what happens. Especially when the device is new, you’ve got nothing to lose. You can’t add, delete, or adjust anything that can’t be reversed later on. And you will learn a lot along the way.
Focus on Needs and Interests
We’ve already mentioned that it is implausible to try and keep up with every possible technological development. Instead, focus on two categories: needs and interests.
First, learn the technologies you need in order to function in the workplace or at home. At work, this may involve computer networks, video conferencing, collaboration systems, industry-specific equipment, and handheld tablets.
At home, your needs may consist of technologies for safety and convenience. Learn how to use your smartphone to Duo or Zoom your family members. Learn how to use smart home devices. Order takeout or your groceries from an app.
Next, look to your interests. For example, if you like gardening, download a garden planner app. If you’re into birdwatching, check out iNaturalist or eBird. If you like photography, invest in the latest DSLR or drone. The possibilities are endless.
Ask for Help
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help in setting up, using, or troubleshooting your devices – even if you have to ask the same question more than once. Nobody knows it all. And watching someone fix an issue you’re encountering can give you an opportunity to learn.
In Conclusion
Staying up-to-date with the latest technology can help you in your career and personal life. Invest in technologies you need for work as well as those that you’re curious about. Don’t be afraid to play and experiment with your devices, and ask for assistance when needed.