The easiest and fastest way to uninstall programs from Mac. Here’s how to remove, delete and uninstall apps and programs from Mac
Uninstall Mac Programs
How to uninstall Mac applications? How to uninstall a program from Mac? Here is the simplest and updated guide of the web
I receive many requests every day, here I am pleased with all Teknologya readers with a quick and easy guide to uninstall Mac programs.
In a few simple steps you can delete, remove, and uninstall all the programs and apps that you no longer use on your Mac.
In fact, you do not need to download any additional programs to uninstall and remove programs from your Mac.
The operating system of Apple already integrates an excellent tool that allows you to get rid of all those apps and programs that you no longer use. But how do you use it exactly?
Do not worry, I’ll explain later!
How to uninstall applications or a program from Mac
There are various ways to reach your goal.
The simplest and most immediate one is as follows:
- turn on the Mac
- without opening any program, go to the bar at the top left (where there is the apple and everything else)
- click on Go> Applications
- the list of all the apps installed on Mac will appear
- scroll down the list and find the program you want to uninstall
- click on it with the right mouse button and select the item “Move to trash”
- wait a few moments and the app will be removed from your Mac
Alternatively, if you have not enabled the right mouse button on your Mac, you must click on the gear wheel you find at the top and then select “Move to trash”
And here it is done. Needless to waste time in long and complex guides, uninstalling programs from Mac is quick and easy and with our instructions you can reach your goal in an instant.
Ok, we really ended up with this guide that explains how to uninstall programs from Mac.
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