How to use Skype without downloading it

Have you heard of Skype as one of the best solutions for instant messaging and video calls but want to try it before downloading it to your PC? Or do you want to avoid installing an additional program and are looking for solutions on how to use Skype without downloading it? Then you are reading the right article, in this guide we will explain how to access the service without having to download the application on your computer.

Before proceeding, we also advise you to read the article on how to access Skype without a microsoft account, which allows you to try to use Skype without forcing a profile, a way to evaluate the messaging service before registering.

From Skype to the web

Skype for the web is an easy way to access all the features of Skype without having to download the application, you can use it through and chat immediately, while if you want to make calls and video calls you need to use Microsoft Edge or versions of Newer Chrome.

To start trying Skype for the web you need to connect to and start Skype for the web or go to

To access you can use a Skype name, an email or a phone number, if you do not have these things you can create a new Skype account.

If you want to make calls and video calls with Skype with contacts you have to use Microsoft Edge or Chrome, otherwise you might see the warning: “Video calls and audio calls are not supported on your browser”.

You can use Skype for the web to make calls, video calls and send instant messages for free individually or in groups. You can have up to 300 people in an instant message chat and up to 25 people in a voice call and 10 in a group video call.

With Skype for the web you can use all the features in the program such as sending emoticons, attachments, photos and documents, send contact data and act on the latter by adding or blocking them.

Using Outlook

You can also use Skype with, the two services have joined so you can make free Skype calls and video calls to outlook contacts and send them messages.

To use Skype with Outlook, just click on its icon in the account, in this way you can immediately talk to your friends. If you have a Skype account you can connect to email. Click Login to use Skype ID or Microsoft account. Skype contacts are imported into Skype on

Also on you can set the status, just like using Skype directly, on the e-mail service you can switch from Available to Invisible by clicking on your name and selecting the status from the options. By choosing Invisible, none of the contacts will know that you are online and contact you. Also present the Non-computer and Do not disturb options.

Why use Skype without downloading it?

The need to create alternatives to use Skype without downloading it was born from the varied needs of users who decide to use the service to stay in touch with their friends, it can happen that for work you are out and not behind your computer in this case it can be very useful to use any pc and connect to Skype from the web or through to chat.

Another case may be when a person using Skype requires another person to communicate using the service and the service did not install the program, using Skype on the web can, in a few seconds, connect and get in touch with who requested it.

These are just some of the cases in which using Skype without downloading it can be useful, as well as using it without having an account if it is an occasional use.

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