WinAmp 5.8 Comes with full support for Windows 10

Download latest version WinAmp 5.8 compatible with Windows 10. Download the latest updated version of WinAmp for Windows 10 PC

WinAmp 5.8 download for Windows PC 10

Born in 1997, it had been a major player in digital music until 2004. But now it is reborn and it’s time to party!

A few years ago, when there was no Spotify and Pandora, MP3s were downloaded free from the internet and listened with programs like WinAmp, which was one of the most popular and used programs in the world to play music on Windows PC. 

Over time, things have changed and users have started listening to online music in streaming for free (see YouTube and similar), so they no longer needed apps and programs to listen to MP3s offline on Windows. 

But some loves sometimes make long, infinite, endless, rounds and then come back.

And here the famous WinAmp is preparing to come back to us with a new version just arrived for Windows 10 PC and soon also on smartphones and tablets.

That’s right: the huge WinAmp was updated just a few hours ago and has become fully compatible with Windows 10. 

WinAmp is back

When Radionomy bought WinAmp from AOL in 2013, it promised to keep it alive.

After more than 4 years, promises seem to have been maintained. Just when everyone had lost their hopes, here is that WinAmp returns forcefully and prepares to land on a mobile platform.

As anticipated, from a few hours the new version 5.8 of WinAmp is available for download, which makes it finally compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.

At the moment the interface of WinAmp has not received any update, modification or change: it is still the same, in all its glory. The same expandable control panels, the same skin in the stereo style of the machine, advanced and complicated settings and everything else.

In short, WinAmp has remained the same, but now we can use it on our Windows 10 PCs and it is ready to take us back in time.

Only advice: since the interface has remained the same, you may need to enlarge the font size, which is actually a bit small on current screens (while it was right for those 10 years ago).

If you want to enlarge the writings and the font of WinAmp, you have to go to: Options -> Preferences -> General Preferences -> Playlist and here I suggest you set a value around 15. 

Big news coming next year for WinAmp

The news of WinAmp are obviously not finished here.

How will the new Winamp be?

The CEO of Radionomy Alexandre Saboundjian, in fact, has confirmed that in 2019 WinAmp will introduce an avalanche of novelties, including:

  • cloud support for music streaming
  • support for podcasts
  • support for streaming radio
  • application for Android smartphones and tablets, iOS
  • support for files of any type and format
  • support for skins and extreme personalization

In short, WinAmp has great things in store for us.

Will it come back as big as it used to be? We hope so, but we’ll find out only in a few months!

In the meantime you can download the latest updated version of WinAmp from the following link:


The secrets of Winamp’s success

Born in 1997 (MP3s are from 1995), it had outclassed its opponents thanks to many peculiarities.

First of all it was free, which is rare in these early days of the Net where the software was paid.

Then there was its linear interface: it was clear and simple to use, perfect for those who approached digital music but also contained advanced commands for the most savvy.

Finally, here are the skins: the reader looked like a black rectangular window similar to a mixer but the graphics could be completely distorted thanks to these image files that changed the font, color and even the shape.

In short, a year from the release comes to totalling 3 million downloads, after eight years is at 57 million. 

Just to give you a number of a truly spectacular program that is preparing to come back into our lives.

Changes and news in Winamp 5.8

For the more curious, here is the complete (and very long) changelog of this new update of WinAmp:

  • New: Windows Audio (WASAPI) Output plug-in (wip)
  • Improved: Winamp’s video support
  • Improved: Added an auto-fullscreen option to video prefs
  • Improved: Added / ENUMPLAYLISTS to the command-line support
  • Improved: Windows 8.1 and 10 compatibility
  • Improved: [in_mod] OpenMPT-based Module Player (replaces old MikMod player)
  • Improved: [ml_playlists] Added browse path & edit title functions in Ctrl + E editor
  • Improved: [Bento] Updated scrollbars and buttons and other tweaks (thanks Martin)
  • Improved: [Bento & Modern skins] Added to Playlist Search feature (thanks Victor)
  • Fixed: New URLs in Open URL dialog
  • Fixed: Various memory leaks
  • Fixed: [gen_tray] Not showing correct current icon pack in preferences
  • Fixed: [in_avi] Divide-by-zero crash with badly formed files (thanks ITDefensor)
  • Fixed: [in_mp3] Crashing with some ID3v2 tags
  • Fixed: [ml_wire] Slow loading issue
  • Fixed: [ssdp] Crash on load if jnetlib was not correctly initialized
  • Misc: Minimum required OS is now Win XP sp3 (Windows 7 or higher recommended)
  • Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
  • Misc: Moved shared DLLs to Winamp \ Shared folder
  • Removed: All former “Pro” licensed functions (Winamp is now 100% freeware again)
  • Removed: gen_jumpex & UnicodeTaskbarFix (making way for native implementations)
  • Removed: ml_nowplaying
  • Removed: [in_wm] DRM support
  • Replaced: CD playback and ripping now using native Windows API (instead of Sonic)
  • Replaced: MP3 Decoder now mpg123 based (instead of Fraunhofer)
  • Replaced: AAC Decoder now using Media Foundation (Vista and higher)
  • Replaced: H.264 Decoder now using Media Foundation (Vista and higher)
  • Replaced: MPEG-4 Pt.2 Decoder now using Media Foundation (Vista and higher)
  • Updated: [in_vorbis] libogg 1.3.3 & libvorbis 1.3.6
  • Updated: [libFLAC] FLAC 1.3.2
  • Updated: [libyajl] libyajl v2.1.0
  • Updated: [OpenSSL] OpenSSL v1.0.1i
  • Updated: [png] libpng v1.5.24.

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