How to Add Menu and sub-menu in website using WordPress

Menus are one of the most important features of any website which give visitors a full access of your website in a very easy manner and in just a few clicks, they can find easily what they are looking for.

If you are facing any kind of problem in creating impressive Menu and sub-menu bar, then don’t worry this article will solve your problem. If you still have any issues regarding this article then feel free to leave comment in our comment box.

Add Menu and sub-menu:

So to start creating Menus, first go to Dashboard>Appearance>Menus

  1. On the top of the Screen, Click Create a new menu.

  2. Give a name for your New Menu, click on create Menu.

  3. Now at the left of the page, you’ll find the options for what you want to keep on your Menu Bar whether those are Pages, Posts, Custom Links or Categories.

  4. Now Select the things which you want in your Menu.

  5. If your Menus are not in desired order and you want to change its location. Then click on down arrow at the right of Menu in which you want changing.

  6. Choose its position.
  7. You can directly change its position just by drag and drop process.
  8. Add Sub-Menu

    If you want to create a sub-menu inside a menu to give details of it by splitting it into different sections. Then you need to follow only a few steps.

  9. Keep your desired page under the Menu into which you want to put it.

  10. Just click and drag the sub-menu page to little bit of right from its initial position.


  11. You can further repeat the same process if you want more Menu buttons inside your Sub-Menu. You just need to drag it a little bit at right from the position of the sub-menu page.

If you have created your whole Menu Bar then its time to give your menu bar a location.

  1. Go to Menu settings just under the Menu structures.

  2. Check the “Auto Add Boxes” if you want to automatically add top-level pages to the Menu Bar(if you don’t want rush in your Menus then leave it as uncheck).

  3. Check the “Top Menu” box if you want your selected Menus on the top of the website.

  4. Check the “Primary Menu” box if you want to use it on your Menu Bar.
  5. Check the “Footer Menu” box if you are creating it for your Footer section(Widely Used for About us, Privacy terms, Etc).

Note:- These are some most commonly used options and structure, your theme may consist some more options.

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