7 games incompatible with Nintendo Switch Lite

The Nintendo Switch Lite is 100% portable version of the console Nintendo and, just so some games are incompatible with it, because of the built-Joy-cons and the absence of HD Rumble and the infrared camera. Here you will learn which games do not run on Switch Lite, or which require the use of extra accessories.

7 games incompatible with Nintendo Switch Lite

7 games incompatible with Nintendo Switch Lite

The following list contains 7 incompatible games (actually 14, but you will soon understand this) with Nintendo Switch Lite, which cannot be played on the console or require the use of extra accessories:

1. 1, 2 Switch

1. 1, 2 Switch
One of the first Switch games, 1, 2 Switch relies on Joy-cons so that the various minigames, from milking cows (!) To eating sandwiches (!?) Can run. Thus, the player who has a Switch Lite will have to purchase a couple of extra controls.

2. Fitness Boxing

Fitness Boxing

Another game in Nintendo’s wellness title series, Fitness Boxing is actually an exercise program that uses boxing to help the player burn calories and stay healthy. It also requires the use of two Joy-cons to work, so you need to have an extra pair if you want to play it on Switch Lite.

3. All Just Dance

All Just Dance

Like the titles above, the four Just Dance series titles available for Switch (2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017) rely on Joy-cons to reproduce the movements, which can be remedied in Switch Lite in two ways: either with an extra pair of controls, or with the Just Dance Controller app for iPhone and Android.

Unfortunately, Just Dance 2018 is incompatible with the app. To play it on Switch Lite, just with the same extra Joy-cons.

4. Super Mario Party

Super Mario Party

Much of Super Mario Party’s activities can usually be enjoyed on a Switch Lite, with the exception of Toad’s Rec Room, a set of two-player minigames that rely on two disconnected Switches and four Joy-cons. Thus, each player should have their own independent pair of controls, if both have the only portable version of the console.

5. Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure is a curious mix between exercise routine and RPG, which uses two unique accessories: Ring-Con, a plastic ring where one Joy-con is attached, and Leg Strap, a leg strap where the other Joy -con is placed. That is, in addition to having a couple more controls to play it on Switch Lite you also need to carry the game accessories with you everywhere, which is not a laptop experience.

6. Mario Tennis Aces

Mario Tennis Aces

Unlike most games on this list, Mario Tennis Aces only requires one additional Joy-con: Swing Mode, which simulates the movement of a real tennis racket, is used with one-handed control, so you need just an extra drive to enjoy the game on Switch Lite.

7. Nintendo Labo

Nintendo Labo

Nintendo Labo is the only game on this list that can’t be used with Switch Lite. This is because most of the cardboard toys in the four original kits (Variety Kit, Robot Kit, Vehicle Kit, and 2 VR Kit versions) use both the Joy-cons and the featured Switch screen without the controls attached. Thus, this title can only be appreciated by the original version of the console.

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