Best Hosting Provider in 2018 : Here are the best hosting for WordPress

Best hosting: here are the best hosting for WordPress.

When it comes to start a blog or a Website with WordPress, the first problem that arises is the choice best WordPress hosting. Those who are beginners, but very often even the veterans of the web choose the most famous WordPress hosting on the net because more present in advertising or because they have never evaluated an alternative hosting, underestimating that the choice of hosting WordPress influences visitor behavior and above all results on site positioning in search engines.

In this article I am about to unveil a method to double or even triple the number of visitors to your site in a matter of weeks and improve search engine rankings simply by choosing the best WordPress hosting in the market. Also I will tell you my personal experience of the choice of ‘WordPress hosting‘ that I currently use for this blog and how this choice has radically changed its visibility on the web. Are you ready? It starts!

WordPress Hosting: what happens when you choose the best!

Good practice is learned, today finally after so many mistakes, I can tell you how my blog has finally taken off after choosing the right WordPress hosting.

First of all I will explain in simple terms what it means domain, Hosting, what are the factors that make a WordPress hosting better than another and I’ll give you the list of the best hosting for WordPress.

We will see how the right choice can improve the ranking of your site in search engines, tripling the visits in a few weeks and speeding up the loading of pages up to 200% in a short time with a few simple steps.

If you still have doubts about the terms WordPress hosting and domain, we immediately clarify with simple words:

Hosting WordPress and Domain

  • WordPress is the name of the free program (CMS) that allows you to create a dynamic website with content and images without knowing anything about programming. It is an OpenSource project, therefore free and constantly evolving, used all over the world to create professional blogs and websites.
  • The domain is the name you write as an address to view the site you want to visit. For example, is the domain name of this blog. The domain is owned by those who register it and may not even refer to a site, if it is not associated with a hosting service that contains its pages.
  • The hosting, as you may have figured out is the web service that contains the pages on your site made with WordPress in a “place” (a server ) that responds when you type the domain when you surf the internet. It is usually a computer of a company that leases space and services,

These are the features of this latest WordPress hosting service that make the difference between a fast and a slow website.

Free Hosting for WordPress? … do not make mistakes!

Many make a big mistake thinking of using a free WordPress hostingbut you can take advantage of my experiences and my mistakes and immediately choose the best WordPress hosting on the market for your domain!

When about 4 years ago I started using WordPress for my projects, I relied on the various free hosting services offered by sites like, Altervista and the like. The performances were obviously below the norm and the site name was linked to their domain.

In the end, I understood the importance of having a domain of ownership and a fast hosting and I finally decided to register a domain with a WordPress hosting. From the image point of view it is always better to have a domain with your name or with the name of your company, but this is not the main reason why I chose to register my own domain.

The real reason is that the WordPress hosting provided by these free sites, as well as being very slow, was and still is, full of limitations and not the full control of your site limiting many features such as the ability to install plugins or themes graphics.

The speed of loading pages was low and although I had optimized WordPress taking care in every detail of its part, I could not achieve the desired results. Above all I could not improve the indexing in search engines despite the SEO and all the tricks possible. Therefore the choice of a paid professional Hosting is of fundamental importance.

But let’s go into the concrete and see what are the best and most famous Web hosting services to host and build a WordPress site.

Hosting WordPress and SEO

Choosing an excellent WordPress hosting can affect SEO and the performance of our WordPress website more than you can imagine. That’s right! Google is always careful to satisfy its users and constantly vary the evaluation parameters of the pages to be indexed. For more than two years one of the factors that Google takes into account to provide search results is the speed of loading a site, then choose a WordPress hosting more powerful than others will surely help you to climb the top of search results.

But what are the best WordPress hosting then?

Below is the definitive list of the best WordPress hosting based on price, performance, security, customer support and other key factors. We made this list after testing dozens of different hosting services for hundreds of different customers. During these years I tried various hosting services and at the end we chose the ones that represent the best platforms for WordPress, in terms of:

  • prices,
  • performance and
  • safety.

Here are the best hosting for WordPress ever

SiteGround (offers free domain forever)

SiteGround allows automatic and free transfer from another WordPress hosting to their WordPress hosting.

Tenders relating to the hosting packages of SiteGround start from $3.95 per month for the basic package StartUp, $5.95 per month for the package GrowBig and $11.95 per month for the top of the range GoGeek. Each offer is presented in a clear and detailed manner, with a list of the main features, which allows you to see at first glance the differences between the three alternatives.

Each hosting plan on SiteGround includes a domain name FREE FOREVER and free installation of WordPress on the website, which is particularly convenient for the less experienced. SiteGround is an extremely valid WordPress hosting service. Among the main features and advantages of SiteGround are:

  • Transfer of the contents of your old free site to be paid by the staff
  • SuperCacher to speed up the loading of the most visited pages
  • CloudFlare CDN that distributes the static contents of your blog through a network of 23 servers worldwide.
  • Security for your WordPress hosting
  • Top assistance: technical support assistance is exceptional! The SiteGround staff responds on average within 15 minutes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Registering a free domain forever: registering a domain usually costs about 15 dollars but if you buy the WordPress hosting with SiteGround it’s free forever, also if you’re not satisfied with the service, or you’ve decided to change the domain name, or only you have abandoned your project because it has no time to dedicate, you can ask for a refund within a month.
  • Daily or monthly automatic backup with a web interface recovery procedure
  • Simple and intuitive cPanel control panel for WordPress hosting service.

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting offers fast hosting based on SSD and free disks for all hosting plans shared with data centers in Europe, Asia and USA. There are three plans: LITESWIFT and TURBO The last two floors more complete and performing cost more than the basic plan but they are still about 100 dollars/year, the speed is exceptional and reliability as well.

In particular, the SWIFT plan includes: unlimited space and traffic and unlimited websites (Multidomain). The TURBO plan in addition to being unlimited and optimized to get better performance in terms of speed thanks to the turbo server (less users per server, more resources per user and faster Apache with faster and more efficient connections).

Another strength of A2Hosting is the backup/restore feature. With the Backup Wizard icon you can set your site’s daily or weekly automatic backup in seconds, and with the Restore button you can restore a copy of your site, which saves you from problems due for example to hacker incursions.
Currently, this is the official recommended hosting by Prestashop.

A2 Hosting a valid alternative to SiteGround if you want an unlimited Hosting choosing the SWIFT plan and also very similar in terms of features and performance if you choose the Turbo plan.


FastComet is a hosting service company founded in 2013 which, despite its youth, offers a powerful and refreshing approach to the hosting services industry. Hosting plans at fixed and accessible prices with numerous extras such as a free lifetime free domain namecomplete SSD storage (files and databases)free old site migrationSSL certificates included in the price of the “E-commerce” Hosting plan, and backup daily and weekly and fixed and clear prices even after the first year and the most famous Hosting panel cPanel. All this means offering a lot of value to your investment and superior reliability and performance compared to competitors.

FastComet Hosting: Prices and Cloud Hosting Plans for WordPress

FastComet offers for all shared WordPress Hosting plans ( Single WebsiteMultiple Websites and E-commerce ) all three main variants including free domain name foreverSSD storagedaily and weekly backups and one-click restore, automatic cache system, automatic and free transfer from another WordPress hosting to their WordPress hosting and CPanel interface

The prices of shared WordPress hosting plans start at $2.95 a month for their “Single Site” plan suitable for hosting only one website, with unlimited traffic , 35 GB of SSD space , 1GB of RAM and a dual CPU core and a Linux OS Cloud Hosting. Their most complete package “E-commerce” at $6.95 per month, unlimited web space and monthly traffic, along with a free SSL certificate already included in the price and memcached memory caching system (used by most famous sites (Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia etc. ..) free personal DNS to make your WordPress site faster.

All WordPress hosting plans provide a money back guarantee within 45 days of purchase.

Scan for viruses and malware removal for WordPress

FastComet allows free antivirus scanning and malware removal service to keep your WordPress website and email messages immune to viruses and spam.

Advanced security plans hosting for WordPress FastComet

Application and network firewall to protect your WordPress website from all known security threats.

I recommend absolutely FastComet as a hosting for WordPress if you are looking for a CloudLinux OS Hosting service, unlimited, reliable, secure and at fixed prices without surprises even in case of renewal.


GoDaddy offers a hosting plan for WordPress that has a huge advantage: you do not need to configure it manually, the procedure is automatic as the cache is managed independently for a site always fast and snappy. A nice convenience for those who must manage sites in WordPress without having to worry too much about the technical details. The only disadvantage is that it does not have a 24-hour support chat ( support only by phone or by email ).

Godaddy is and still remains a great service among the various hosting and domain purchase services. Very well known and widespread for services of this type. We confirm its reliability after having tested and used it often, and for this we include it among the best WordPress hosting.

The price of Godaddy hosting plans varies from $4.87 to $18.29 per month, depending on the package chosen: EconomyDeluxeUltimateDeveloper (these are shared hosting plans ).   


Among the best hosting for WordPress we can also include HostGator. This is a very popular and undoubtedly very good service that I have tested on various occasions.

The cost of the annual hosting plans varies from $3.95 to $5.95 per month, again depending on the package chosen. Also in this case, we recommend the intermediate one ( Baby Plan ) which includes unlimited space and sites, and a shared SSL certificate. In addition, when you spend the first 25$ on HostGator, you will receive a $100 AdWord voucher. Among the advantages offered by this service we find:

  • UptimeHostGator guarantees that your server will work correctly 99.9% of the time
  • 24/7 supporteven via chat – Quick installation of WordPress
  • Warranty “money back guarantee” for 45 days from date of purchase

Other important features included in all HostGator hosting plans:

  • Unlimited traffic
  • Unlimited Space in terms of GB
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts
  • Unlimited MySQL databases
  • Free domain included
  • Instant backups
  • Unlimited sub-domains
  • Shared SSL
  • Audio/Video streaming

In addition to the above, they are included in the HostGator Baby and Business Plan intermediate plan :

  • Unlimited domains
  • Unlimited parking of domains
  • Private SSL 
  • Dedicated IP (free with Business Plan and $2 a month with Baby)


The fourth platform that we include in this list of the best WordPress hosting is Bluehost, whose cost ranges from $3.95 to $14.95 per month, depending on the plan and duration chosen. Bluehost offers a free domain and there are no installation costs as in other hosting services.

This is a good solution if you are looking for a cheap service and are planning to host a medium-sized site. Compared to SiteGround and HostGator, however, it is a less flexible and less performing service than the provider at the top of this ranking.

Benefits (intermediate plus):

  • Unlimited traffic
  • Space in terms of unlimited GB
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts
  • Free domain included
  • Hosting recommended by WordPress
  • Updates available within 24 hours of the release of new versions of WP


There are many even cheaper hosting services, but I suggest you invest a few dollars more to get a quality service. For this reason, I added to the list and selected the best WordPress hosting for youAll these professional hosting services are good value for money and are already tested.

And what hosting service do you use? If you have other hosting services to suggest or you want to leave a comment on the topic you can do it in the comment box.

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