Although these are platforms dedicated to socialization, useful for making new acquaintances, social networks should not be taken too lightly. If you do not care for the privacy settings of the various Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, seriously risk that someone can take possession of your images to create your own digital alter ego. Protecting your privacy, therefore, is a fundamental activity as much as interacting with your friends and followers. That’s why you probably wondered how to hide Facebook photos using iPhone or Android. Not knowing how to do it, you searched the web and you ended up like that on my blog.
If you do not know how to hide Facebook photos, do not worry: we are here to help you. Although I am a big fan of social media, I never underestimate the importance of privacy in our lives, especially when we post personal information on social networks. For this reason, I tried to understand how to privatize photos on Facebook, so as to protect both my privacy and that of the people I love. These are all in all simple operations, but you can not tackle it lightly. I advise you to carefully follow the steps of the guide you find further down and choose the method that best suits your needs.
How to hide Facebook photos
When you decide that it’s time to hide Facebook photos, you have to take several factors into consideration. In fact, it’s not always all in your hands. As I have already told you, the Facebook search graph allows those unfamiliar to see private photos of your Facebook profile thanks to tags, geolocation and dozens of other factors.
In short, being able to make these photos private is not easy and, in some cases, does not even depend on you. You do not have to despair anyway: if you take care of your privacy, you can block this threat too. Continue reading to deepen the matter.
Hide photos that are about to be published
To hide Facebook photos and maximize your privacy “at the source” you must, first of all, change the display settings of the content you publish. To do this, you can follow two different paths. The first one will allow you to change settings for all the photos or posts that you will publish from that moment on. The second one will change the privacy settings for the individual content.
Change Facebook privacy on all posts
To change the privacy of all Facebook posts, connect to the social network and login with your credentials. Once your News Feed is loaded, click on the question mark icon in the top right corner of the screen.
This will open a small menu: click on Privacy Control and wait for a small window in the middle of the screen to open. In the first step, you will have the opportunity to choose who will be able to see your next posts. To hide Facebook photos, you will have to choose “Only me” in case you want them to remain completely private, or ” Friends ” in case you want to show them to all the people on your friends list.
Change single post privacy
To change the privacy of a single post, first log into your Facebook profile. Then, in the box that allows you to create a new post, before sharing, click on the button that is located at the section News section. From that section, you can choose various privacy options that allow you to hide Facebook photos, that is: All, Friends, Friends except, Specific friends and Just me.
At this point, what is said above applies: depending on the visibility you want to give the post, you can choose all the friends, a part of them or just you. Remember, however, that from the next post, privacy will return to be the default one.
Hide photos already published
In case you want to hide already published Facebook photos, you have to follow another path. After entering your credentials, enter your profile by clicking on your name in the top bar and then on the Photos tab in the central part of the screen. Then, click on Album, choose one of the photo collections you’ve already published and wait for the interface to load.
Now, you have to click on Edit and then on the button corresponding to Privacy. Finally, all you have to do is choose who can see the album. You can also hide it at all if you wish.
Do not get tagged on Facebook
As I initially told you, even if you provide to hide Facebook photos as suggested above, the Facebook search graph could still allow strangers to see your photos without friendship.
To prevent this from happening, you must log in to your profile, access the Settings and enter the Timeline and Tagging section. From there, you can configure the privacy settings that will also prevent those who are not your friend from seeing the photos or posts in which you are tagged.