Can you imagine a game with no meaning, no right way to play, and no actual goal? One such game is Rust, a multiplayer survival game that makes you hunt, gather, build, and fight to survive. You wake up on a beach naked and hungry and run to avoid armed players.
Rust is a fun multiplayer game where players decide their rules and progress. You can take the help of the best rust cheats that will guide you in improving your aim and survive till the end.
However, a few strategies can help you survive longer in the game.
So, here is a tutorial with the best tips and tricks to help you play Rust.
Choose a server
Try to choose a beginner-friendly server to start playing Rust. Do not opt for a highly populated official server as these have the most experienced players. A server with more beginners will help you figure out playing without getting killed after repeatedly spawning.
You have to visit the primary menu and click play. Go to community servers, where you will see a search bar at the screen’s bottom. Type ‘friendly’ or ‘beginner’ to find the appropriate server.
Create a sleeping bag and spear
Initially, you will need a sleeping bag in the game. You are capable of creating a custom respawn point by placing a sleeping bag on the ground. It will save you from the frustration of respawning on the beach. You can make a sleeping bag with a cloth that you can gather from hemp plants in stacks of 10.
You should also focus on crafting a spear in the beginning. You find yourself in a combat situation after spawning. So, create a wooden spear that is the cheapest and fastest tool you can make and help you in early combats.
Gather wood
Prioritize gathering wood initially in the game as you will need it to build your first base. So, do not waste time collecting other resources until you have accumulated enough wood. You can create essential wood items like foundation, base, walls, wooden lock and door, campfire, and storage box.
Choose the right spot for base
Try to find a well-hidden spot for your base with plenty of resources nearby. But do not move further than necessary as you will have to run halfway across the map again. The best place is a forest as it has lots of wood and gives you cover. The desert is dangerous, and the snowy areas are unsuitable without clothes.
Everyone has their preferred hiding spots in the Rust. A good technique is hiding the tool cupboard under the base’s foundations. You can do this with optical illusions, exploits, and simple camouflage.
Hover loot
The best part of a successful base attack is the loot in Rust. Even if your rivals are aware of their surroundings, it takes only a few seconds to transfer goods between a clean gateway and a reactive strike.
Activating hover loot cuts the window by eliminating the need to click. It is bound to the ‘h’ button by default, but you can bind it to any control of your choice.
Avoid fire at night
Do not make the mistake of moving with a torch at night. It will make you an easy target for your rivals. Make sure to check food supplies in the daytime and cook before night falls. Try to avoid lighting fire at night.
But if there is an emergency to cook at night, try to do it away from your base. It will save your base’s location from highlighting to raiders.
Protect from radiation
After having a solid base, you can start visiting abandoned sites to gather more valuable materials. But try to be careful as exploring uninhibited buildings can make you radioactive and kill you. You cannot survive it until you have protective clothing. So, keep your ears open while visiting an old industrial site. If you hear a crackling sound, the building is irradiated, and you should return fast.
With this, you are all set to start a new adventure in the Rust. We hope the above tips and tricks will help you play the game and win. Appropriate strategies and the right decisions will help you survive till the end and win in the Rust. All the best for your adventurous gaming journey!