How to share Facebook Videos on WhatsApp Android

In recent years, Facebook has been focusing a lot on the video platform. In fact, you can save a video or choose the quality, the options are immense. However, despite these expansions, one thing has remained unchanged: the option to share Facebook videos on WhatsApp still remains an almost impossible task. At least from within the official app. If this to share videos on WhatsApp is your problem, now here you have found a solution that allows you to share Facebook videos on WhatsApp for Android devices.

But today, creating alternative solutions is no longer a problem. So, because Facebook does not allow you to download videos from the application on your phone, we will borrow the functionality from a different application and we propose a solution to the problem of being able to share Facebook Videos on WhatsApp for Android. And this seems to be the only solution, at least for now.

How to share Facebook videos on WhatsApp

As we said, this function is not present in the official app, so we’ll have to use a third-party app. The application we will use is called HD Video Download for Facebook which, as you can imagine, allows you to download Facebook videos directly to your mobile phone and then share them on WhatsApp.
So, without further ado, let’s see how to do it.

This app for Android called HD Video Download for Facebook overcomes the problem of other similar apps, allows you to manually choose the storage location of the video on the internal memory or on an SD card or choose the number of simultaneous downloads. You can download the app from the Play Store at the following link:

LINK |  HD Video Download for Facebook

Setting up HD Video Download for Facebook

HD Video Download for Facebook is a simple application with an easy process to manage videos downloaded from Facebook. Once logged in using your FB credentials, click on a video to activate the playback bar.

With this app, not only you can download all the videos you want, you can also download them in high-definition (HD) when it is available.

After clicking on the video you want to download, click on the download icon. This is all you need. Set the video name according to your preference, save it in the internal memory or on an SD card of your smartphone and then share the video on WhatsApp as a normal video.

The next time you see an interesting video on Facebook – be it a tasty video or a funny video that you do not want to share with your Facebook friends, now you know how to share it with WhatsApp friends, this simple trick is all what you need to share a Facebook video on WhatsApp, I hope you have been useful.

If you need to download videos from Facebook on your Android devices, I suggest you also read this guide:

LINK | How to download Facebook videos on Android

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