Pokémon Sword and Shield: how to get Mew and Ditto

Where to find Ditto and how to capture Mew in Pokémon Sword and Shield: here’s what to do to get the two pink Pokémon in the Pokédex, essential to complete the game.

Pokémon Sword and Shield: how to get Mew and Ditto

Pokémon Sword and Shield contains in the Pokédex two fundamental creatures for the completion of the much criticized Galar regional Dex: Mew and DittoHow to have them and where you can find the two pink Pokèmon, one the legendary par excellence and the other fundamental to make eggs and get the shiny colors.

Given the difference between two Pokémon, one very rare and the other all in all common, the capture method of Mew and Ditto in Pokémon Sword and Shield varies depending on your objective.

While Mew cannot be found simply within the game map, the Finger is obtainable through a walk around the immense lands of Galar. Here’s how to catch them.

Sword and Shield Pokémon: how to get Mew

Having Mew in Pokémon Sword and Shield exposes players to only one condition: to be in possession of a Pokéball Plus.

The gadget, which also serves as a controller, was meant to be part of Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee released last year. By purchasing the peripheral, which can also be used with Pokémon GO, the mysterious Pokémon contained in it is automatically obtained.

The initiative was designed to promote the purchase of the Pokéball Plus, with players who could then complete the Pokédex by transferring the rare Pokémon into first-generation remakes. Attention, because in this detail there is an important piece of information: if you have already transferred Mew in the two Let’s Go titles you will not be able to transfer it again to Spada and Scudo.

In fact, transferring the mysterious Pokémon back into the sphere is in no way valid: the only applicable solution would be to buy a new one.

But the last word is not said: the absence of the Pokémon bank on Nintendo Switch will soon be filled by the new app Pokémon Home, which will allow you to save the necessary creatures from the old games on the cloud and transfer them to the latest generation titles.

Sword and Shield Pokémon: where and how to capture Ditto

Instead to find Ditto instead you have to go to the Wilds, the new open world area dedicated to the capture of Pokémon and the Dynamax and Gigamax raids.

In a specific area of ​​these immense lands it is possible to find Ditto, but it is important to be ahead of the game and have the Surf skill implemented in your bike. The area to keep in mind is that of Lake Dragofuria, where Ditto will be able to appear next to several very powerful Pokémon or peep into the tall grass by chance.

Remember that in confronting him Ditto has the ability to transform into any other existing Pokémon: this ability will be useful for the birth of eggs and for mating with other monsters in the game (rendering vain the search for a creature of the opposite sex for each type of existing Pokémon). youtube abone satın al

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