5 WebSites for xps to jpg conversion online free

The files in XPS format (XML Paper Specification) are particular documents based on Zip compression and XML standard that make them particularly interesting especially because although they can be read and opened with many different applications do not lose quality and does not change their content.

This type of format was created by Microsoft as an antagonist of Adobe for managing PDF files, but this project has never had the success expected, so even today we prefer to convert XPS files to PDF or other formats. But where can we find resources to carry out these conversions? If you continue reading the post, you will find a list of 5 sites to convert XPS files to JPG Online.

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Online2PDF.com XPS to JPG

The first resource of today’s focus is called Online2PDF.com and is a very complete tool that allows you to convert XPS files to PDF or JPG. It is a very well developed tool that allows you to simultaneously load 20 XPS files for a maximum size of 150 MB or a single file with a maximum size of 100 MB.

The particularity of this site is that you can set a specific page range for each conversion of the XPS file. If you need to perform one of these conversions, Online2PDF is the ideal resource to exploit.

Convert XPS to JPG

A very useful resource to consider when converting XPS files to JPG is Convertio. This great site offers the ability to upload multiple XPS files simultaneously from both PC and services such as Google Drive and Dropbox. The free version of the resource is not as complete as the premium, but still has a decent job of converting files. The final file obtained is in zip format and remains available on the site for approximately 24 hours, after which it will be automatically deleted.

CloudConvert XPS to JPG

CloudConvert XPS to JPG for features and functionality is very similar to not say equal to Convertio, in fact also in this case it is expected to simultaneously upload multiple files to convert and you can choose whether to download the converted file directly to the PC or save it in a dedicated cloud service such as dropbox, google drive and OneDrive. To use the resource you must register on the site to take advantage of the free plan that allows conversions for a maximum time of 25 minutes and a simultaneous upload of 5 xps files.

PDFConvertOnline.com XPS to JPG

Even PDFConvertOnline is a very useful and effective tool for converting XPS files in JPG directly online. Compared to previous tools, this does not allow the simultaneous loading of multiple files, but allows the conversion of a single document with a maximum size of 128 MB. The only flaw is that the final JPG can only be saved one at a time using the save function with the name of the right mouse button.


We conclude today’s focus with the last site that has nothing to envy to the tools that perform the same task. The main resource of this paragraph is called xpstojpg.net and essentially allows you to perform several conversions, but the one we are interested in is that of single page or multipage XPS files. Once the file is converted, based on the number of JPG present in output will generate either a zip file containing the images or a simple and single JPG file.

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